Ai shite knight is a story created by Kaoru Tada, was published in the journal Bessatsu Margaret Shueishia between 1982 and 1984, with 7 volumes complilatorios as anime was produced by Toei Animation from 1983 and 1984, with 42 episodes.
Yaeko is a teenager who helps his father in the small family restaurant since her mother died. A rainy day is a primary school boy named Hashizo takes refuge in the restaurant. When the boy's brother comes to pick it happens to be the younger brother Takeshi, the popular singer of a rock band called Beehive, who only falls for her view. A musical group that is also a good friend of Yaeko, Satoshi, who is also crazy about her.
Since then, he developed a love triangle between the two members of the group and the sweet waitress, dressed with the rows of Yaeko's father worried because he does not like your child is coupled with "hairy" that dye their hair, and his antics plump Hashizo Giuliano cat for as long as Yaeko will have to take care of him by the Beehive musical tour, will delight the histroria also jealous of the girl protagonist who is in love with Satoshi will make life miserable for Yaeko.
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