Shamanic Princess is a 6-episode OVA series that was produced by Bandai Visual, appearing the same between 1996 and 1998.
The mysterious and powerful Throne Yordan has been stolen and due to this the fate of the world Guardian is in grave danger. Tiara, a powerful sorceress, who lives in the World Guardian has been sent to Earth to find and recover the throne of Yord. But her mission will not be easy because you have to face Kagetsu, a great sorcerer neutralizer, who is the one that has stolen the throne from Yordan and who is also a brother of Sarah, her best friend who has disappeared.
Kagetsu Tiara grew up with, and even seems to be in love with him, why not understand that stealing the mystical Throne Kagetsu Yordan, but she has decided to do his duty even if it means fighting to Kagetsu death against. On arrival at the Earth Tiara Kagetsu realize that you're not alone and that with the help of Lena, another World sorceress and apparent rival Guardian Tiara. Lena was also sent to Earth to stop Kagetsu but for some unknown reason he stopped and instead has decided to help.
The clock is ticking and the mysterious Throne of Yord must be retrieved, now Tiara must face their friends to avoid the imminent destruction of the world.
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