Tico of the seven seas also known as Tico and his friends, anime broadcast between 1994 and 1995 had 39 episodes, produced by Nippon Animation, was part of World Masterpiece Theater space or Meisaku of Nippon Animation (collection of many series including Sound of Music , Aladdin and Anne of Green Gables).
Nanami Simpson is a little redhead who lives with his father after the death of his mother. His father is a marine biologist and therefore both travel in a small boat, peperoncino, Mr. Scott Simpson travels in search of a type of whale called "whale light." When found with the bones and the remains of this species is very disappointed and change its mission. Now work for the care and preservation of these creatures. Nanami befriends an Orca whale and called Tico.
Together they travel through the seas, discovering endless wonders and enjoy them. Over time, Nanami even learn to breathe under water, what surprises his father. However, one day, Nanami's life is endangered when it nearly drowned. A whale "brilliant" saves the life of Nanami and her father's desire to see this species, it is true nonetheless.
Nanatsu no Umi no Tiko VO Opening by GeneDA
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