Monday, May 18, 2009

What Does Discharge Look Like Before Your Period?

Nakba, a trickle of blood that hangs in the world with dual balance

Nakba, a trickle of blood that hangs from the world

Nakba-Jerusalem, Palestine from 1948 to 1915 May - 2009

By: Ambassador Suhail Hani Daher Akel (*)

A century tormentor. Restless souls and dark occupied the scene. A macabre observation cut veins. Despotic monarchy, republican and liberal ideas napolóniacas post. Colonialism. Ideologies of left and right. The French revolutionary heritage and the pre-post-Hitler, seasoned minds outbreak of war in Europe Desencontro.

The European Judeophobia driven stimulated the Zionist influence in the late nineteenth century. Created a historiography based on foreign territory according to colonial image of the first Zionist Congress in Basel to settle in Palestine (1897). With most agnostic Zionists falsely Europeans claimed their rights in the biblical texts, making them a mere real estate note.

A maneuvering the head of the Jewish Agency, Chaim Weizmann Belarus (after Israel's first president), British professor of history at the University of Liverpool, Charles Kingsley Webster, the messianic view: "... to transfer London the center of Zionism ... With unerring ability, Weizmann, adapted their arguments to the personalities of each man of State. With the British and the Americans could use biblical language and arouse emotions, with others, spoke of interests. " ("The Art and Practice of Diplomacy", CKWebster in The Listener 28.2.1952).

Britain to keep its colonies, including Palestine, needed to win the First World War at all costs. The suffering of Europe, the first seed germinated Holocaust. Nourished it, the goal set colonialist Zionism. Need of its lobby and Jewish banks, the British during the war, he was offered the Zionist Organization a 'Jewish National Home in Palestine. " ("Balfour Declaration", 2/11/1917).

Among the mentors 'Jewish National Home', Sir Winston S. Churchill, Colonial Secretary, dubbed the 'Butcher Gallipoli '(for their landing at the site of the Turkish mainland, 1915), invested in June 1954 premier, told a press conference in the U.S.: "I am a Zionist, I want to make clear that. I was the one who inspired the Balfour Declaration and worked faithfully for her "(This Was Merely the introduction." Churchill and Politics, The Last Romantic Zionist Gentile, Dr. Yoav Tenenbaum).

When asked reasons. The English Lord Chancellor Arthur J. Balfour, depressed, decided the declaration by the emphasis of the Minister of Munitions, David Lloyd George. Addressing this, the Organization of the Arms Industry and Minister of War in 1916, was affected in its battle against the shortage of acetone to make bombs. In reporting, the Zionist Weizmannn also director of the Chemical Laboratory of the British Admiralty, he devised a process for the accelerated production of synthetic ketones and handed to the Crown. Favored Fire hegemony of the powerful Royal Navy, I reversed the War in its favor. Committed

Lloyd George, was not enough words of thanks to Weizmann: "He has given you a great service to the Kingdom and I would like to request him to recommend to Her Majesty to honor" Weizman agile colonial spirit, replied, " Nothing for me ... Yes, I would like to do something for my Jewish people, a state. " ("Memories of War" David Lloyd George, Volume I).

War four empires collapsed, the German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian and Turkish, and three great dynasties. Died daily average of 6,000 people for four years, three months and fourteen days, reaching almost 10 million dead. For Weizmann and his Zionist followers, the victory of their allies boosted the dream of the Jewish state in Palestine.

Arabs plunged into turmoil after 400 years of Ottoman-Turkish occupation, were segmented by the English-French colonialism through the secret pact of Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916), who redesigned the borders of the Middle East. Palestine was under British occupation. A fertile field for the Zionists.

The Treaty of Versailles arbitrary, determined the end of World War I and the foundation of the League of Nations (28/06/1919). Was instrumental in 'legal' to the winners in the division of Ottoman imperialism torn country. The emir Faisal ibn Hussein, chaired the Arab delegation ambivalent in Versailles Peace Conference. Functional role for the British and the spy Thomas Lawrence (of Arabia), was rewarded as king of Syria in 1920. Moved by the French occupation of Syria, proclaimed him king of Iraq the following year.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe conspiracy, Faisal Weizmann visited in southern Transjordan (June 1918), tempting him to forge an agreement to establish a Jewish National Home in Palestine in exchange to satisfy his overweening ambition to build a single Arab state under his sole and separate rule for a future Jewish Palestine.

Behind the Palestinians. Signed in London, "Faisal-Weizmann Agreement (01/03/1919). Its preamble outlining the principle of illusion: "His Royal Highness the Emir Faisal, representing and on behalf of the United Arab Hijaz and Dr. Chaim Weizmann, representing and on behalf of the Zionist Organization, mindful racial kinship ....". Meanwhile, three of his nine points, were strategic: Point 2 °: "... the definitive boundaries between the Arab State and Palestine shall be determined by a commission ...". Item 3 °: "... the guarantees will be offered to run the British statement (Balfour Declaration)." Item 4 °: "... encourage Jewish immigration to Palestine on a large scale and to settle Jewish immigrants as soon as possible ...".(" The Arab Awakening, George Antonius, 1938, P. 437-439).

Betrayed and marginalized their people. Palestinian unrelated racial, became a haven for German, Polish and Russian Jews. The carnal knowledge of the British Zionist said David Ben Gurion, Haganah terrorist leader: "England will be defensive sea and land bases in the Jewish State" (19 th Zionist Congress, 1935).

in the cavity of the spurious alliances. Motivated. The Nazi SS, Leopold von Mildenstein and Kurt Tuchler, the German Zionist Federation, visited Palestine for six months. Impressed. The Nazi published in the Berlin daily Der Angriff (1934): "A trip Nazi Palestine. " He admired, "the achievements of the Jews came to Palestine from Germany", noted, "The Zionist development, a new type of Jew" and promoted "a Jewish homeland in Palestine." In his honor, the newspaper issued a "special medal with a Nazi swastika on one side and the other, a star of David." ("A Nazi Travels to Palestine", History Today, Jacob Boas, London, January 1980, p.33-38).

Behind a facade of spurious mechanisms for the transfer of Jews to Palestine, the Jewish Agency has signed with the Ministry of Finance Nazi, the "Agreement Havaara" (28/08/1933). Product of the same and with the support of White Book of Churchill (1922), the German Jews in 1939 exceeded 13 percent of the native population. Millions of dollars were transferred to the Jewish Agency in Palestine, damaging the German economy. Meanwhile, "Many of these Jews, at the end of the 30s, transferred replicas of their homes and factories" ("Transfer Agreement", Edwin Black, Pág.379). Powers

fluctuating collapsed systems spawned a fierce rivalry of interests. Accordingly. World War II broke out (09/01/1939 to 09/02/1945). Blood Kiss Powers Allied against the Axis and vice versa, dragged a European Holocaust with over 55 million dead. Of these, 27 million Christians, 6 million Jews and nearly 3 million Muslims. Augured the Zionists at the expense of the pain of his own people: "... In exile, the Jews await a general massacre ... their only escape is a mass emigration to the land of Israel (Palestine). " ("Jabo, Zeev Jabotinsky Biography" Shamuel Katz, p. 25. - 1993).

Regardless of others. Biased the Holocaust. Undermined international law and caused the industry to blame. Where everyone can question all but them. Occur, the label of 'Nazi' or 'anti-Semitic. " "... Shut up in the experience of the Holocaust ... is a good example of how a community can overplay a historic experience, so far as to begin to reject their friends ... to the point that grief ends arousing the anger" ("Identity Jewish "Arun Gandhi (n), Washington Post, 07/01/2008 online.)

The Yalta Conference (4 to 2/11/1945). Joseph Stalin (USSR), Franklin Roosevelt (USA) and Winston Churchill (United Kingdom), glorified the victory with a new division of the world. Started the Cold War (1945-1998) and required to meet the guidelines sterile League with the creation of the United Nations-UN (24/10/1945). Reserving the right partners 'veto' of the Security Council. Main tool of protection for their imperialist designs. Servile to decline since 1949 the General Assembly condemnations against the Israeli occupying power.

The emerging power of the United States, led the Zionist lobby to be its main ally and shift its financial operations to New York. To show loyalty. Were removed from British colonialism and its terrorist attacks against British forces in Palestine, hastened the British withdrawal 9 hours before the creation its illegal status (1948). Fittingly, the terrorist group Yizthak Stern Shamir, assassinated Lord Moyne, High Commissioner in Egypt (11/06/1944), charging: "... to be an implacable enemy of Jewish independence" ("Rescue and Liberation: America's part in the birth of Israel "Isaac Zaar, NY Bloc Publishing Cy. 1954, p.115.). Despite

clinginess British police on the streets of Jerusalem, posters with the title of 'Wanted' and photos of 10 terrorists Zionists, led by Menahem Begin (Nobel Peace Prize-1978). The terrorist attacks against the British increased. A Zionist attack on the King David Hotel of Jerusalem, killed 41 Palestinians, 33 British and 17 Jews (22/07/1946). And ".. the group's terrorist group Irgun, blew up the pipeline from the Iraq Petroleum & Co, near Haifa (Palestine )..." (" Jewish Terrorism ", Diario La Prensa, Buenos Aires, between 24 -30/3/1947)

The asymmetry of the new U.S. president Harry Truman, to personally ensure Weizmann, work and recognize the Jewish State (March 1948), demonstrated the differences between the pressures and feelings put in their manuscripts 1947: "... The Jews are very selfish. They are not concerned about the number of Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks who are being killed or abused ... as long as the Jews get special treatment ... "(Bibliotheca Truman, The Washington Post, Rebecca Dana and Peter Carlson, USA 10/07/2003).

The future of Palestine, was lying. The Russian Zionist Zeev V. Jabotinsky, a friend of Benito Mussolini and considered by him, "Citizen fascist", delivered what is now intended to "... Palestine must stop being an Arab country ... a Palestine as a Jewish state ... a Jewish Palestine, but nothing more than Jewish" . ("Zionist State" ZV Jabotinsky, 1936)

colonial powers and the League of Nations, during the First War, carrying the European Judeophobia promised the powerful Zionist lobby "a Jewish national home 'in Palestine, without Palestinian agreement. Europe fregoteando his conscience over the Holocaust and the U.S. forced by economic Jewish lobby, after Yalta, the desire Zionists promoted the partition of Palestine in the UN, to the creation on the land of a Jewish State (29/11/1947) . Israel declared unilaterally on 15/5/1948, the Palestinian state was choked with intricacies of law, conspiracy, treason, occupation, persecution, ethnic cleansing, exile, walls, settlements and apartheid. Burying a country that in 7500 BC, led the civilization.

Regardless of the human condition. The XXI century with the silent remains undaunted philosophical history of the tragedy and the Palestinian exile. Upon completion of 61 years of Nakba (Catastrophe) and the fall of Palestine and its capital Jerusalem, the Israeli-Zionist colonization remains a fang stuck in the jugular Palestinian

(*) - It was the first Ambassador of the State of Palestine

Argentina - International Analyst on the Palestinian Question

© Copyright, Suhail Hani Daher Akel, is can publish, translate or distribute without altering the content and citing the source and author. _____________

shda 5 / 2009


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