Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wine Cause Black Stool

Antisemitism & NOW

By: Ambassador Suhail Hani Daher Akel (*)

capacity ignominy of the occupying power has no limits. In the third week of February 2009, after silencing the Palestinian ethnic cleansing in Gaza and enjoy the ultra-right's electoral victory, the Israeli Channel 10 viewers, you bask in the program Lior Shlein comedian, with his sardonic jokes and profanity about Jesus and Mary.

Without ethics and verbose, the Aramaic-Semitic Mary, said: "The Virgin Mary was no virgin ."..." The Virgin Mary went to bed with a bunch of men "..." The Virgin Mary was pregnant at 15 years of a companion study. " More funny, Shlein, the Semitic-Palestinian Jesus Christ (the Messiah), said: "He never got to walk on water because Jesus was so fat he was ashamed to leave your home "..." Jesus died at 40 years of obesity and was embarrassed to swim in the sea of \u200b\u200bGalilee, because of its excess fat. "

accused of anti-Semitism was not for his offenses. Or by attacking the most sacred Christian-Muslim faith. Nor was deported. Shleim, excused himself slightly and said it was a 'lesson' the Catholic bishop deported from Argentina, Bishop Richard Williamson, who put in doubt the credibility of the Holocaust.

is unacceptable denial of the Holocaust, which was apparently limited only to the Jews of Europe, not the 55 million Europeans burned in World War II-Why then silence and denial of the holocaust? .

The double burden is nonsensical. On balance, the misunderstood anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, Judeophobia, the islamfobia and Christianophobia weight tipped only for the first three, as well as the strong international reaction. As with the other two were reduced to only muted prejudice.

The Zionist terrorist, then Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir said: "There is no such thing as Palestinians, they simply do not exist" (Sunday Times, 15 / 6 / '69). Is not anti-Semitic opinions?. As anti-Semitic when Israel denies the right of the Semitic Palestinian people to restore their legitimate government. Or the anti-Semitic tone of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Shas, the third force of the future Israeli government elected in February 2009, who stated: "God in the Bible, he regretted having created the Arabs, the people of vipers. "

In the altarpiece of the confusion. Semitic etymology fell exclusively to hostility against the Jews in the West. Qualifier should be applied against attacks on Semitic peoples and not to religious groups. They are the descendants of Shem, son of Noah, extended pre-biblical over Canaan (Noah's grandson)-Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Mesopotamia (modern Iraq), as peoples Semitic language and culture. No connection with the cultures of other continents.

In this sense, the old animosity toward Jews is characterized by the term 'Semitic' is a amphibology that should be replaced by that of 'Judeophobia' exact term used by the pioneer and activist inspiration of Zionism, the Jewish Russian Leon Pinsker ("Self-Emancipation", LP, 1882). Likewise, it would be a mistake adjectives of 'anti-Semitic "to xenophobes Roman circus where lions devoured Christians are fanatics or crusaders massacred Muslims.

With revamped legend in his Zionist-Israeli rhetoric of anti-Semites judge the 'Zionist', the album was part of the colossal misrepresentation. Zionism was born organically in Basel (08/29/1897) European Embryo Jewish lobby in order to create a Jewish state on Palestine. It is a political ideology, not a religious question, whose members were all believers, as in the case of the main promoter Theodor Herzl. It should be recalled that the UN resolution 3379 (11/10/1975), equated Zionism with racism. Despite that the UN itself, by U.S. pressure, without, reversed the penalty (12/16/1991), Zionism did not abandon his racist-colonial tonnage.

In light of the facts, the terms anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist and Judeophobia, are not synonymous.

Not all Jews and Israelis There are Zionists and Zionists are not Jews. As American Christians are very popular development Zionists in American Protestant churches, as the case of Pastor John Klein, an associate of the Fellowship Church, biblical tour technician, who urged: "Know the people of the Bible. Explore Israel from a genuine Zionist perspective (Tzemach Institute for Biblical Studies-TNS, 14/10 / '06). Pathetic. There are also Druze Palestinians in the territories lost in 1948, swearing allegiance to Israel, were part of his army of occupation and agreed to be considered as a Zionist Arab. Against side are organizations like the Orthodox rabbinical anti-Zionist Neturei Karta, who called Israel a "Zionist state and non-Jew," and "Palestine as their country."

As the axiom phobic religious. The attacks and persecution of religions, are abhorrent. As Judeophobia and anti-Jewish discrimination. However, they were subservient to the Israeli-Zionist interests to enhance their victimization and to impose its objectives to muzzle criticism covered by the shield-Semitic anti-Zionist. Attitude, which resulted in people maintain their freedom and democratic privilege to discuss and rebuke the most perceptive, insult and lampoon leaders, dignitaries and prophets, except speak out against Zionism, Judaism and Israel.

His unilateral and violent establishment in Palestine, between mid 1948 and 1967, violating all the international legal acts, was similar to the double standards of regulation and violating its own law 5767, 1967, by which the Israeli government committed to the protection of Christian and Muslim holy sites.

obsessed in Judaizing the Holy Land as they did in the biblical period, during the Roman occupation of Palestinian Hebrew. Desecrated, destroyed and torched mosques, churches, monasteries, schools and cemeteries. Meanwhile, the mosques of Al Aksa and Omar on the farm sacred Haram Al Sharif in Jerusalem, the Tomb of Jesus in the Holy Sepulchre, the crypt which marks the birthplace of the Virgin Mary in the Church of St. Anne of Jerusalem, the Convent of the Sisters of the Holy Communion; the Armenian Orthodox Patriarchate, the Church of Notre Dame, the College of St. Joseph of Jerusalem, the looting and desecration of the graves of Mount Zion Christian cemetery in Jerusalem, the Mosque of Ibrahim in Hebron and the Orthodox Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem , the latter, invaded and desecrated several times by Jewish settlers and military encircled by Israeli forces in April 2002. With the endless grudge and Israeli forces Christianophobia fired at the majestic statue of the Virgin on the outside of the Basilica.

After the fall of East Jerusalem (June 1967), Israel increased its desires of Judaizing the city and remove the ancient Palestinian roots. With Islamophobia and indelible arguments to 'justify' the search for the remains of the Temple of Solomon, the archaeological team, headed by Benjamin Mazar of Hebrew University of Jerusalem, began in January 1968, the excavations under the holy land. Causing the rupture of the main door of the Mosque of Al Aksa and the side of the Church of San Juan, which desecrated and stolen from inside the golden crown of the Virgin Mary and many other works and relics of the Christian heritage of the city.

Excavations multiplied until today, with the intention of producing a movement of earth that cause the breakdown of old mosques dating from 700 AD. In November 2008, the Israel Antiquities Authority, made public a plan that included demolition of the mosque of Al Aqsa and Al Marwani, in search of the stables of Solomon's Temple. Showing his secular architectural project to erect a new sanctuary, where, from their imaginations messianic emerge the true Messiah.

The Australian Zionist Islamophobic Michael Rohan, set fire to the Mosque (21 / 9 / '69), with great historical loss. Among dozens of outrage and sacrilege, to open provocation, the fundamentalist rabbis of the Kach movement, placed at the main gate of Al Aksa, the "cornerstone" for the construction of the Temple (8 / 10 / '90). The anger of the Palestinian Muslims was repressed by the Israeli police on the campus killing 32 Palestinians in more than 1050 injured.

United Nations condemned the slaughter in its resolution 672 (12/10 / '90). A week later, the Israeli deputy Yossi Sarid of the Meretz party, outraged, complained: "Rabbis Jews walked on blood, they danced on the blood "(Israeli parliament 17/10 / '90).

With huge segregationist violence, Israeli diamond company, NDC National Diamond Center in 1990, touted his company's diamonds and the Old City of occupied Jerusalem, the magazine of the Israeli state airline El Al. In the tedious advertisements appeared a view of the old city with the holy site of Haram al-Sharif, where two mosques were replaced by a model of the Temple of Solomon.

In the sensitive issue of racial discrimination. Israel anti-Semitic policy, prevented 6.5 million Palestinian refugees return to their lands and homes since 1948 and subjected to those who stayed. Today, the Semitic Palestinians living between walls of Apartheid and illegal settlements in the West Bank and Gaza ghetto a bigot.

(*)-First Ambassador of Palestine in Argentina. International Analyst
on the Palestinian Question / March 2009

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shda 3 / 2009


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