Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Places To Have A Baby Shower In Austin


Richard Chase Smith (IBC): Wanderings Andean Amazon: landscape and memory ancestral colectuva yanesha Village.

One of the first revelations of a research and mapping-an ongoing, historical and culture give spacio Yánesha Village is that their story not only preserved in the collective memory, but is also reflected on the natural landscape. Thus more than 15 types of geographic features, act as physical points of reference in the landscape to help remind memorized oral texts.

Likewise, mapping, together with a careful study of ethnohistorical and oral history itself, shows that the people Yánesha has had strong ties with the Andean region of Tarma, La Oroya and Yauli and Lurin Valleys, Rimac and Chillon. Yánesha history has been carried out within an Andean-Amazonian area much wider imagined that spans both sides of the Andes from the Amazon basin to the Pacific Ocean.

Chaumeil Jean-Pierre (IFEA / CNRS): Khipu: Connections Andean Amazon?

is proposed to establish possible connections between the system of Andean khipu and certain types of knotted cords used in ritual contexts in different regions of the Amazon lowlands. (And on the mainland), making comparative references between both areas. One question that arises here is to know to what extent the study of such knotted cords Amazon can help you better understand or otherwise khipus system in general.

By way of introduction, we will begin "reading" of knotted cords Yagua (Peruvian Amazon) to be held on the occasion of the great rituals. Interestingly, if Yagua have, like other peoples of the Amazon " a mythology that could be described as "tubular, ie without reference to locations or place names, however, have ropes with knots that relate specifically to sites and events. In a kind of externalization of memory (number of nodes arranged on a string). On the other hand it would be interesting to contrast this model some abstract historical-spatial memory (including shamanic journeys) with other models closely linked to the landscape, with place names or other forms of registration space, like for example the Yánesha, do not use these String types (see paper by R. Smith) In other words what is the relationship, if exists between the two modes of action? and what it teaches us about the exercise of memory in these cultures.

Isabelle Combes (IFEA, Santa Cruz): Condon, Condorillo and Candire: Saypurú lost mine.

This work provides elements of the Inca presence, if not in the Chaco itself-at least in the West Bank called "ridge Chiriguana" in Bolivia. Archaeological research is still incipient in this area and the data come mainly from colonial written sources. The most famous of these, the "positive relationship" of Diego Felipe de Alcaya, was also, paradoxically, the less credible in the eyes historians. On the basis of colonial documents and even some indigenous testimony today, is to prove the truth of this relation in particular touches Saypurú mine in the Andean foothills. Ethnohistorical research was recently confirmed by archaeological surveys, inviting you to "rehabilitate", if it is the term, chronic Alcayala strange, and to suggest new interpretations of the successive doublings of the region by the Andean peoples and lands low in search of Candire.

Jaime Reagan (CAAAP - San Marcos): Image and Memory: relations between Moche and Jibaro.

current oral memory of the Jivaro allows access to the past of their neighbors Mochica. Methodology will resume Peruvian archaeologist Julio C. Tello and others analyzed Amazonian myths to interpret the Andean iconography.

Francois Correa (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá): The current relations between Indians in the Amazon and the Andes in Colombia.

relations between indigenous peoples of the Andes and the Amazon were disrupt the process of building national society, and today one another there are significant socio-cultural differences. We argue as ongoing participation in national society and the struggle for the recognition of rights as 'peoples' has generated a new sense of solidarity that prints new meanings to their terms of trade.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Brent Corrigan At School


The privatization will cause a problem with unpredictable consequences Amazon Jungle.

Brazilian President Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva ratified the Provisional call 458 in the benefit of grileiros , the name given to the squatters of these forest lands who settled in tax areas and do not have titles property.

The decision affects about 67 million hectares of forest in the Legal Amazonia, an area equivalent to twice the size of the province of Buenos Aires.

Such as the law was ratified by the Brazilian Executive, a person who comes to the Amazon and claims as its own a piece of land up to 400 hectares may receive a degree no one is really sure if occupying the extension.

As you can read in the law, land to 100 hectares surface would be no charge to the occupants of 101 to 400 would go on sale with a symbolic price of 401 to 1500 hectares would be sold at market price.

The most extensive as those would go from 1501 to 2500 hectares would go to public auction and more than 2500 hectares would at the hands of the state which could be sold with the authorization of Congress.

Land "privatized" may be exploited for various crops and livestock. After three years, owners may put them on sale.

A partial veto

The ban became law with few reservations: the executive has exercised its right to veto in two points the rule, which had been included during the parliamentary debate.

Article 7 provided for the transfer of land to companies, or individuals who do not live in the region and manage their lands by third parties or nominees.

In this way, only people living in forested land permanently, and who have settled there before December 2004 can claim legal ownership.

eliminated President Lula also point extending the possibility of acquiring title deeds on behalf of companies.


Prestigious climatologists believe that Amazon will suffer more droughts this century due to climate change and therefore be more vulnerable to fire, so you should monitor deforestation so far averages by 1% per annum from its surface.

The Brazilian Amazon lost between February and April 2009, 197 Km2. jungle cover an area similar to the territory of an island like Aruba.

is 90.1% lower than the devastation in the same period in 2008 (1,992 km2), according to the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), but clarified that the forest area destroyed in the period may be much higher than the announced due to the high cloudiness in the quarter affected the calculations made using satellite imagery.

Of all the Brazilian Amazon, 25% and is in private hands - farmers, foresters, farmers, etc. -, And about 28 % Consists environmental reserves and indigenous lands. Ie remains 48 percent . About this percentage the Brazilian government would privatize 67 million hectares , threatening biodiversity.

The word "biodiversity" is composed of the Greek word "bios" (life) and the Latin word "diversité (diversity or difference). In general, therefore, biodiversity means: diversity of life.

Brazil and its commitments

The Government of Brazil signed the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), pledging to protect what biodiversity gives us: resources for food, water, forests, raw materials, etc., knowing that it is threatened for various reasons, among which highlights the involvement of the human being.

The Secretary General of the Organization Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO), Rosalia Arteaga Serrano, said signing the agreement with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in 2005 for the sustainability of the Amazon is of extreme importance to the Amazon, since the biodiversity is a strategic issue ". The program is under the Amazon Cooperation Treaty, adopted by Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Surinam and Venezuela.

Global Action for Biodiversity, Countdown 2010, led by the Office of the IUCN to Europe (IUCN-ROfE) http://www.countdown2010.net/ , invites governments to preserve biodiversity , promoting and supporting the implementation of existing commitments related to the conservation of the same .

South America is a key region, with 40% of biodiversity, 25% forests and 26% of renewable fresh water worldwide.

During the expert meeting held in Lima, Peru on June 19, 2009, Maria Luisa del Rio , Director General of Diversity Biological of Ministry of Environment of Peru, said "We can not think and take actions as if we lived in a homogeneous world, we are heterogenous in climate, diverse in species, in languages, ethnic, cultural expression. Our challenge is to find the common expression, that union within the biodiversity because biodiversity is health, food, shelter, industry, tourism ... is our reason for being. "

The Australian Association of National Parks - Aapne - prompted the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil, to commit itself to protect in perpetuity the entire Amazon rainforest by having a "value outstanding universal " and declared a World Heritage Site.


One Country though sovereign, should not have unilaterally on ecological and environmental future of humankind.

"The issue of privatization and an end to the Amazon ecosystem is not only a problem of society in the countries where is the mega-reserve land ecosystem, but the planet and humanity as a whole, "said Omar Cabezas Lacayo, President of the Iberoamerican Federation of Ombudsman (FIO).

This may be the beginning of the massive devastation of the Amazon rain forest, as it was, years ago, the devastation of rain forests, the Borneo and Indonesia and African tropical forests.

Forests should not be sold, forests should be preserved.

* Prof. Norberto Ovando; Vice President / Association of Friends of the National Parks - Aapne -

Expert World Commission on Protected Areas - WCPA - IUCN.

Latin American Network of Protected Areas - RELAP -

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Brazilian Wax With Friend

FLEET Palestinian Information Post-PIP * To keep the Memory - New

not introduce me
PIP, November 7, 2009 .-
President Mahmoud Abbas, yesterday announced Friday night Ramallah officially will not be submitted to the elections scheduled for January 24, 2010. "I told our brothers in the PLO that I have no intention to stand for election," noting that "it is open to debate." He also thanked those who asked yesterday to reconsider his resignation, including the presidents of Egypt and Israel. Hamas considered this strategy and called on Fatah to terminate the agreements with Israel for the sake of national unity.

usurped the seventh Palestinian home in Jerusalem.
Other 3 Israeli demolition notices
PIP, November 5, 2009 .-
The house of the Al Kurd Palestinians on their land in the Palestinian neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem, is the seventh this year usurped housing Jewish settlers backed by decrees of the Israeli courts, which should not have jurisdiction in occupied East Jerusalem. The house of Al Kurd, took 8 years closed by court order pending resolution of a dispute over land claimed by settlers. Occupation police kept the family members desperately looking back about a dozen Israeli settlers carried their furniture in a truck stealing them. Fawzieh, the mother of the Al-Kurd, torn reported: "We had a West Jerusalem home of a lifetime and we drove the Zionists in 1948. We bought this house and lived here since 1954, my children grew up here. They took this house and now try to take away the other. " In November 2008, when he left the service of process against the grandfather of Muhammad al-Kurd family, died of a heart attack during the hospitalization period, Jewish settlers took control of the house and waved an Israeli flag. Speaking to the press one of the illegal Israeli settlers, Gureish Yehya, a Jew born in Yemen, arrived in Israel a decade ago said his "family owns land and has documentation to prove the Ottoman Empire" (¿???), Adding "You can go to Syria, Iraq, Jordan. We are six million and they are thousands of millions "and said" This land is Israel. We in Israel. God gave this land to Jews. The Torah says so. You want war? Declare war on God, not us "...(¿???). Rifka's father Al Kurd family, said: "I am Jerusalem, a Palestinian. I have not come across the world. " The Al Kurd, last Tuesday lost her home definitely is not entitled to claim. More Demolitions: Yesterday, occupation soldiers distributed 3 military warnings to demolish houses of Palestinian families Nather Kathem Hazem Antar Hashem Abdel Qader and Majdi Khalil Ahmad Shukri Asis, in the village of Ad-Dayheh in Nablus, to expand its illegal settlements. View: 28/10/2009.

need to meet?
PIP, November 3, 2009 .-
According to sources in the Arab League and at the request of the Palestinian Authority scheduled a meeting of foreign ministers of the "Committee for the Arab peace initiative", made by Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia , Syria, Lebanon, Morocco, Yemen, Qatar, Tunisia, Algeria, Sudan and the Palestinian Authority to address the situation described by the Nobel Peace Prize, Barack Obama through his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in his meetings with Mahmoud Abbas in Abu Dhabi monarchy and Benjamin Netanyahu in occupied Jerusalem, the U.S. instead of pressing the Israeli construction freeze in settlements, he pressed the Palestinian side to put no conditions for a settlement freeze. Likewise, Mrs. Clinton warned the Arabs that "care what they say about the conflict." It is necessary to meet ... or the Arab League, composed of 22 Arab countries should exert pressure on U.S. to stop their carnal relationship with Israel. Hamas, rejected the U.S. proposals and extortion of Mrs. Clinton. Photo: Mrs. Clinton in violation of UN resolutions, met busy with Netanyahu in Jerusalem.

to victory Sakher
PIP, November 3, 2009 .-
died on Saturday in Ramallah to 70 years a historical movement Fatah and the Palestinian resistance, Sakher Habash (Abu Nizar), one of the founders of the Movement with the Martyr Yasser Arafat, and the Martyrs Kaddoummi Farouk Abu Jihad and Abu Iyad. It was a Palestinian refugee in 1948 and returned to the country along with the leader Yasser Arafat in 1994. He was one of the most loyal to Arafat. To Victoria. To Jerusalem, brother Sakher.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Colored License Plates In Ontario

November 2009 attacks in Gaza. Repress protests in Jerusalem and Abbas

PIP, October 7, 2009 .- In the fifteenth
Israeli attack Gaza since early August so far, to last Tuesday afternoon about 10 Palestinians were wounded, two extremely serious by the fire of Israeli tanks entered the Gaza City and shot at close range. The head of Gaza emergency services, Moawiya Hasanin, said that after the attacks of the occupation soldiers blocked access to ambulances and special units to help the wounded.

Jerusalem police spokesman of the Israeli occupation, Micky Rosenfeld, said thousands of troops were mobilized to ensure control over East Jerusalem and brutally repress Palestinians again Tuesday on the campus of the mosques in Jerusalem, as they came Jewish extremists planned to occupy the property certified by the police. Protest Against President: Yesterday was another day of rage against President Mahmoud Abbas decided by its UN ambassador, Ibrahim Kreisheh stop the Human Rights Commission of the UN 'Goldstone', who accused Israel of War crimes and bring the case to the International Court of Justice (see 5 and 6 / 10 and 26 / 9). Both Hamas and other Palestinian resistance movements, demanded the resignation of Abbas (which actually ended his presidency on 9/1/2009) and Ambassador Ibrahim Kreisheh, and bring them to trial for treason and blood of the martyrs. Photo: Police occupation repressing Palestinians in Jerusalem.

A free gift to Israel.

PIP, October 6, 2009 .-
Speaking to lawmakers in Gaza, Prime Minister Ismael Haniyeh, accused President Mahmoud Abbas yesterday to have "justified" war on Gaza and agree to delay a UN vote that would have condemned Israel of possible war crimes, according to the 'Goldstone' (see 5 / 10). During the Special Legislative Session in the city of Gaza, Abbas accused of committing "treason." Mahmoud Al-Zahar, a senior official of Hamas, called for Abbas to be tried and stripped of citizenship Palestinian. Other lawmakers demanded the Palestinian Authority's foreign minister, Riad Al-Malki, justify, explain the diplomatic stance of the ANP and conclusion that the conduct of Malki "is a free gift to Israel." Jerusalem: Yesterday and Tuesday, were aggravated confrontations with Palestinian police occupation and illegal Jewish settlers in occupied Jerusalem.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Anyone Order From Skiessentials

To keep the memory - September 2009 Three Palestinians killed after Israeli attack

Palestinian Information Post-PIP *

Ambassador Suhail Hani Daher Akel

PIP, September 27, 2009 .- Three Palestinians
Khaled al Dahdouh Kamel, Mahmoud Mohammed Mousa al-Banna and Marshoud, Al Quds Brigades (the armed wing of Islamic Jihad) died last Friday 25 / 9 by an Israeli attack. The same was at 19.30 (Palestine time), when a plane of the Israeli Air Force fired a missile at the car east of Gaza circulating capital. The car was destroyed and his 3 passengers were killed instantly, according to the chief of Emergency Services Gaza, Moawiya Hassanein.

"Operation Endlosung" for PIP Jewish traitors, September 26, 2009 .-

"The straw breaks the camel" Netanyahu said, adding,. "The report on the operation glorious Cast Lead, signed by the Jewish traitor Richard Goldstein, who calls himself Richard Goldstone, a lot of nonsense is Arab-Islamic-derechohumanistas." As a result, on Sunday 20 / 9, held a secret meeting in a house in Tel Aviv, attended by 12 persons of the Zionist government: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his two Deputy Ministers Silvan Shalom and Moshe Ya'alon, Ehud Barak, the defense minister, Matan Vilnai, deputy prime minister, Avigdor Lieberman, the foreign minister, Dan Meridor, Minister of Intelligence and Atomic Energy, Yuval Steinitz, the Finance Minister, Yuli-Yoel Edelstein, Minister of Information and Diaspora , Meir Dagan, Mossad chief, Yuval Diskin, head of the Shabak and Amos Yadin, head of Aman, which gave way to Operation Endlosung (final solution), for an immediate end and the repentance of the Jewish traitors and get to recognize Israel's right to defend itself against its enemies by any means deemed necessary and away from the Palestinian areas, mainly those in Gaza, such as Goldstone case, after the meeting of Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas, which drew up the "Goldstone" for the UN, accused of war crimes to the invasion of Gaza.

yesterday began the trial of former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert for alleged corruption, the Israeli court district of occupied Jerusalem. However, the trial weight to Olmert, should be at his war crimes against Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Clipart From Family Guy

Churches and Mosques Threatened with Judaizing Jerusalem Testimonials

By: Ambassador Suhail Hani Daher Akel (*)

Since its inception in 1948, Israel attempted to transform the physical and demographic landscape of Palestine and its capital Jerusalem chord with his Zionist vision. Much of the tactic was achieved through the violent expulsion of Palestinian citizens from 1948 to 1967, and implemented Judaizing Jerusalem since 1967 and increased during the period of 'peace talks'.

Hundreds of buildings and church property were usurped by the Zionist terrorists during the occupation of Palestine in 1948 for the creation of Israel after the Israeli invasion of 1967. These properties were transferred to the Jewish National Fund (founded in London 1901) and leased to European Jews who immigrated illegally to Palestine before 1948 and those who arrived after the occupation East Jerusalem (1967), to colonize the city.

The UN called on Israel to "rescind all measures taken and to desist forthwith from taking any action that would alter the status of Jerusalem" (Resolution 2253, 06/04/1967). Regardless, "Israel seized more than 25,870 dunums of Palestinian land in Jerusalem during the first three years of occupation" (Commission Report UN Security Council, November 1980/S-14268).

Israeli attacks on religious freedom and the Muslim and Christian religious leaders, was to silence the voices that expressed the pain of the Palestinian people. Among long history, the August 20, 1975, the Israeli occupying power illegally detained Greco-Catholic Archbishop of Jerusalem, Archbishop Capucci Hilariom and November 8, 1977 he was deported from Palestine forever, barring their return. Meanwhile. On 21 August 2002, the illegally seized Jerusalem Orthodox Archbishop, Bishop Atallah Hanna. Just as many Muslim leaders jailed and "expelled from Jerusalem Abisi Imam of the Al Aksa, prohibiting his return to the city" (Reuters, 09/07/2009).

The continued Zionist purpose. It was a detailed plan to oust the Palestinian Christians and Muslims, and at the same time, increase housing for Jews only, erasing Palestinian roots and Judaizing the ancient capital of Occupied Palestine. "The Zionist mentality based on the idea of \u200b\u200bemptying the land of their former owners. The desire of the Israeli law Judaizing Jerusalem and empty of Palestinians to achieve an Israeli majority in the city. " (Nabil Mashour, President Arab Orthodox Council of Jerusalem, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, 5/25/2008).

Meanwhile, the Greek Orthodox Church and the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, issued a statement warning that the Israeli authorities threatened to force through the demolition of church property in the Old City of Jerusalem. The occupation forces reiterated their intentions to demolish the same scale.

The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land and administrative bodies for the two major Christian denominations received on Saturday June 27, 2009, orders for demolition of 500 properties of their churches.

These are mainly houses leased to priests, nuns and Christian families in Palestine. The Israeli authority with impunity and without legal right, said that "the renovations in these buildings are made without permission." Reason enough to demolish them and keep the land. Never mind that these properties belong to the Palestinian heritage for hundreds of years.

In an evil case. They planned for this year 1900 to evacuate and demolish homes in East Jerusalem. Meanwhile. His bulldozer digging beneath the Premises are Sacred mosque Al Aqsa (710dC) and Omar (690dC), seeking the downfall of them. Tapping networks of tunnels in the direction of the mosque from the west and south, making landslides in the village of Silwan, in the Old City of Jerusalem and major cracks in historic buildings in the east and south walls of the third holiest mosque Islam. "The occupation continues to carry out excavations to achieve its large and dangerous goal of destroying the Al Aqsa Mosque. " (Dr. Hassan Khater, Secretary General of the Islamic-Christian Palestine TV, 17.08.2008). Thirsty

to destabilize Palestine, anything under Zionist expansionism. Since 1967 the Jerusalem area expanded from 40 to 110 square kilometers and reached new heights in the southern Hebron and Nablus to the north. With dynamic repression. Restrictions on freedom of movement reached levels more than 445 rugged military checkpoints Israel (May 2009).

strategy illegal extension of the municipal boundaries of Jerusalem, with restrictions bureaucratic and legal use of Palestinian land by its inhabitants, the extension of settlements in the so-called 'Greater Jerusalem', the future construction of 73,302 units in these settlements to house a million Jewish settlers, of which 15,156 have been approved and construction of the Apartheid Wall Winding nearly 780 miles in length, are the essential foundations of Palestinian ethnic cleansing. "The construction of the Wall by Israel, the Occupying Power in occupied Palestinian territory, including inside and around Jerusalem ... are contrary to international law (UN resolution A/ES-10/L.18/R1, 19/07/2004).

To Judaizing East Jerusalem, Israel, in 2009 spent $ 250 million to increase the number of synagogues around the Al-Aqsa and 5,500 units of housing finance Israelis. "The Jerusalem Foundation for Research and Documentation, denounced the" Comprehensive Strategic Plan 'from the Israeli Antiquities Authority to the Old City of Jerusalem, including the collapse of the Al Aqsa Mosque to build the Jewish temple of Solomon. " (Europa Press, 3 / 11 / 2008).

These measures are much more dangerous than the occupation of the city during the War of 1967. As dangerous as the words of premier Netanyahu to call "natural growth of settlements" (Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahrnoth 06/09/2009). Concept that should be totally rejected under international legal right. "The policies and practices of Israel in establishing settlements in the Palestinian territories have no legal ... ..." (UN-CS, Resolution 446, 22/03/1979).

The Security Council resolutions 252 and 267, May 1968 and July 1969, considered that "all measures, legislative and administrative measures taken by Israel, which tend to change the legal status of Jerusalem are invalid and can not change the status of the city. " With violent symptoms. On July 30, 1980, Israel annexed East Jerusalem in the occupied West in 1948, becoming the city unilaterally unified in its capital.

The international rejection was unanimous. The UN called Israel his "military withdrawal from Jerusalem, make no capital, not to change its legal status and requested member countries maintain their embassies in Tel Aviv" (resolution 478, 08/20/1980). Dozens of UN resolutions have repeatedly emphasized the illegitimacy of the annexation of Jerusalem to be an integral part of the occupied Palestinian territories. Facing the Israeli attitude obscene not comply.

American. President Obama called on Israel to freeze settlement construction. However, after meeting Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, the U.S. special envoy for the Middle East, George Mitchell in London (07/06/2009), Israel got the U.S. OK for the construction of 2,500 new homes East Jerusalem settlements (Israeli newspaper Maariv, 07/08/2009).

policy of land theft, destruction of homes and neighborhoods from Jerusalem to Gaza, was the Israeli-Zionist policy of falsifying the past by demolishing the present and stealing the future of the Palestinian people. The ineffectiveness of world Zionism encouraged to carry out their schemes in Palestine. "Jewish settlements Population brought from far away, we inherited their homes (Palestinians) now sow and harvest their fields, gather the fruits of their gardens, orchards and vineyards in the cities we have won" (Zionist-Jewish Intellectual Martin Bober, 1948).

From memory. Jerusalem, was built 3,500 years BC. by the Jebusites, a tribe Canaanite Semitic-Arab-Palestinian genealogy and printed in 1805 BC his capacity as administrative city, capital of Canaan-Palestine during the reign of the Canaanites Melquisadek. The Palestinian presence stood firm against the aggression of the invaders in Jerusalem and exceeded the findings of the Hebrew king Herod when sent to kill the Palestinian infant Jesus, killing hundreds of Palestinian children or the Hebrew Samson, who arrived in Gaza and by the suicide bombing destroyed the house of the Philistines (Palestinians) killing with killing hundreds of them (the Bible). Prior to 1948, appeared in the Atlas Jerusalem as capital of Palestine. From 1981, the Old City of Jerusalem, is part of World Heritage. In 1982 he formed the List of World Heritage in Danger because of threats to religious property and the risk of destruction as a result of the occupation.

With this latest shooting insertion ever, the interest was to highlight the natural and legitimate right that assisted the Palestinian people in their land, their heritage and their roots in Jerusalem. A right that also assists to withstand up to now all the invasions and massacres imposed on the lives of his people.

(*) - It was the first Ambassador of Palestine in Argentina

- International Analyst on the Palestinian Question

© Copyright, Suhail Hani Daher Akel, can publish, translate or distribute without altering the content and citing the source and the author.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Building Insurance Share Of Freehold

54 Israeli soldiers confirm the atrocities in Gaza

A report by the Israeli NGO Breaking the Silence (Breaking the Silence) based on testimonies of soldiers who participated in the slaughter of Gaza, between 27 December 2008 and January 18, makes it clear that atrocities were committed as the use of civilians as human shields, the entrance to blood and fire in homes without regard for its inhabitants or the use of white phosphorus, a banned substance.

The dissemination of evidence of Israeli soldiers who participated in the slaughter in Gaza between 27 December 2008 and January 18 has come to make clear the brutal methods used by the Zionist army and racism that is showing. These statements include, for example, that were used Palestinian civilians as human shields and that the officers instructed them to shoot without worrying about the consequences.

The Israeli NGO Breaking the Silence (Breaking the Silence), which groups former soldiers who denounce the brutality with which the military acts against the Palestinians, issued a report highlighting that "the accepted practices within the Army led to a permissive environment in the chain of command, which enables soldiers to act without any moral doubts. "

According to the report Breaking the Silence, this situation has caused "have destroyed hundreds of houses and mosques were no military targets, has been used to address phosphorus in residential areas, death of innocent victims using light weapons and the destruction of private property. "

This report is based on anonymous testimony of 54 Israeli soldiers who took part in the slaughter of Gaza.

"The testimonials are proof of the immoral way in which they conducted the war meets the established systems, not individual attitudes of the soldiers," said Mikhael Manekin of Breaking the Silence.

Army denies
The Israeli army denied the accusations, saying in a statement that according to his own investigations, "it is clear that the soldiers of the Israeli military have operated in accordance with international law and the orders they received, even though they fought under difficult and complex. "

addition to this, the military added that "most of the testimonials are anonymous and lacking in detail to enable the Army to investigate, confirm or reject these allegations.

Among the testimonies, the figure of a soldier who tells how the Palestinian civilians were used as human shields in houses regarded as suspicious.

"In every house that we approached, we sent to neighbors within" he said.

In other testimony, one soldier says his officer explained that "sometimes, the forces [Israeli] go into a place with the barrel of a gun on the shoulder of a civilian, moving into a house and used as human shields."

According to the soldiers, the instructions were to shoot first and ask questions later. "We have not been instructed to shoot at everything that moved, but that overall, we were told` if you feel that you are in danger, shoot, '"said one of them.

This is the second time that the Israeli military is facing accusations from his own ranks after the massacre in Gaza. In March, revealed that soldiers defenseless Palestinian civilians died during the offensive, but the testimony was rejected by the Army, concluded that they were based on hearsay.

Despite this denial, many Israeli NGOs call for independent inquiry into what happened in Gaza.

In another report published in July, Amnesty International accused the Israeli army and Hamas of "war crimes", saying that the Zionist military "did not distinguish between civilian and military targets" and that used civilians, including children as human shields .

According to the report of medical services Palestinians, the Israeli offensive killed more than 1,400 dead and 5,000 injured Palestinians.

Barak: "We are the most ethical"

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak yesterday asked the soldiers to have any criticism, information or reservations about the conduct of the army to come directly to him instead of telling organizations independent.

"The criticism directed against the Army by one organization or another is inappropriate. The Israeli army is one of the most ethical army in the world and acts in accordance with the highest moral code, "said Barak was quoted by the daily newspaper Yediot Aharonot."

Yehuda Shaul, responsible Breaking the Silence, said that the Gaza offensive 'was the first time the Israeli army used a system of genuine civil war. " Before entering the soldiers, aircraft bombed the places to invade, then fired their artillery shells and then came the tanks. All this happened in areas populated by civilians. "This was the only way to have few casualties," said Shaul.

The Amir is the only reservist soldier who wanted to give his name. "We spent a week of maneuvers before the invasion and immediately we realized that was not a campaign like the others, but a war. We were allowed to shoot against all and this operation became Cast Lead [name of the Israeli army used to describe the slaughter] into something else. "

In any case, the soldiers who appear in the report Breaking the Silence does not argue against the need for the operation against Gaza, justified by Israel as a means of addressing the launching of homemade rockets from the Palestinian territory, but reject specific actions. Two soldiers, for example, denounced the order from a superior to kill a Palestinian who was walking along a road and that it posed no danger to anyone.

Another soldier said that one of his superiors, during a speech, he said that "the best translators of Arabic are the grenades" and that in the days leading rabbis circulated texts in which the Palestinians compared to the Philistines of Biblical times.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Can I Put Alcohol In My Camelbak

The Israeli arrogance the occupation of '67 1967 - June 5-2009

By: Ambassador Suhail Hani Daher Akel (*)

From a historical perspective. A common thread with the same strategies Zionist conspiracy during World War I and II, matured in new Israeli ambitions.

mechanisms of a fleeting Zionist expansion asymmetrical warfare on the rest of Palestine after '48 and neighboring Arab countries, driven into the experience of the creation of Israel (1948); international indifference, the invalidity of UN action and disruption Arab arrogance accelerated in 1967 with a double strategy: designing the Zionist dream of Israel Ertz ('Your borders of the Nile to the Euphrates') and stop the internal decaying process.

Since its founding, has never been so divided. The golden age of 50s and mid 60s, was weakened. Most Israelis away from the corrupt state apparatus. Class struggles for wage claims emerged with thousands of Israelis living below the poverty line significantly vary the arrival of Jews to the promised land by the Zionists.

Countries Arabs suffered similar syndrome. His schemes covered under the banner of the Palestinian cause, competing leadership. Without wanting to get to the war, the mobilization to the same, calmed the social demands of its people impoverished.

Successful Egyptian revolution (23/7/1952) led by Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser, defeated feudalism, the monarchy of Farouk I and strengthened the socialist Arab nationalism. Replaced by the pan-Arab pre-European policy. In 1956, nationalized the Suez Canal (in Anglo-French possession and they claimed the highest profit), built the Aswan Dam and banned the commercial navigation of Israel and its allies. Affected

their colonial interests, she won the Casus Belli (cause of war). The Israeli attack backed by France and Britain against Egypt and the Gaza Strip (under Egyptian tutelage since '48), allowed Israel to test its military supremacy. Occupied Gaza and Sinai. Tripartite power won the 'Suez War' (10/29/1956), lost the diplomatic battle. Pressured by the United States should withdraw. Empowered

. The Israeli military for the second time won a war to the Arabs, after '48. For its part, the forced withdrawal Nasser colonial profiled as the visible face, icon, and the hope of recovery of Palestine.

Among achievements and failures. To stop the Zionist provocations and reduce poverty of the Arab peoples, Nasser, established the United Arab Republic with Syria-RAU (1 / 2 / '58). And he played a pivotal role in the creation of the Organization for the Liberation of Palestine-PLO (15 / 5 / '64) as an instrument Arabic, though, far from the Palestinian revolutionary and popular interests.

With a climate of high tension over the Israeli daily provocations of Syria. President Nasser, asked the Secretary General U Thant Thray Naha, the withdrawal of UN forces stationed in the territory since 1956 Egyptian Shram el-Sheikh and Gaza (18 / 5 / '67). Israeli arrogance found the breeding grounds.

Machiavellian. After meeting with chief Richard Helms of the CIA, the head of Mossad, Meir Amit, met and lobbied the U.S. Defense Secretary Robert McNamara (30 / 5 / '67): "We want three things from you: 1 ) supplying our arsenal of war. 2) assist us in the United Nations and 3) isolate the Soviets from the region. " McNamara replied: "I have heard loud and clear." After "he asked, how long it would take Israel to defeat the Egyptians" and said Amit blunt: "One Week." (Parts: 'A History of Israel', Aaron Bregman, 2003).

McNamara In his report, announced the imminent attack on President Lyndon Baines Johnson. No surprise, everyone knew that it was for Israel to attack first. Johnson, only suggested a blitzkrieg to avoid two fronts in Vietnam and the Middle East. The plot was underway and the U.S. green light lit. Located

the Cold War in the area. The RAU received Soviet support, while the United States strongly supported Israel. Militarization of the Egyptian Sinai and the Suez Canal, blocking over the Straits of Tiran (23 / 5 / '67) was the empty pretext to accuse Egypt of violating the UN Law of the Sea. As a result. To Israel was a new Casus Belli.

enthusiast. Syrian Defense Minister Hafez al Assad, was declared ready: "Our forces are now entirely lend, not only to repel aggression but to initiate the act of liberation itself, and explode the Zionist presence in the Arab homeland" (20 / 5 / 1967). In late May, popular pressure forced the Jordanian King Hussein's pro-Western, joining the Egyptian-Syrian alliance. Finally, the president of Iraq, Abd al-Rahman Arif, joined the coalition (4 / 6).

The rhetorical words between opposing forces were extremely violent. However, while the aggressive Zionist verbiage water was diluted in the minds of the West, Nasser, worried. Clever and appealing to the myth of security, Israel, sensitized the international community with old Nasser's speeches: "Do not enter Palestine with its soil covered in sand ... go into it with its floor covered with blood" (8 / 3 / 1965). ('Howard Sachar. A History of Israel: From the Rise of Zionism to Our Time', Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1979. P. 616).

rotten time events. President Nasser was caught in the sin of the words he dragged him to the smell of an unwanted war. Menahem himself Begin (former Irgun terrorist), recognized: "The Egyptian Army concentrations in the Sinai do not prove that Nasser was really to attack. We must be honest with ourselves. Decided to attack us. " (New York Times. 21/08/1982).

In coincidence. Israeli General Matityahu Peled, added: "The thesis of the danger of genocide was hanging over us in June 1967 and that Israel was fighting for its physical existence was a hoax ..." (Haaretz, 19.3.1972). With

climax of war. President Johnson sent the Sixth Fleet to the Mediterranean to prevent a possible Soviet intervention and "secretly authorized the Israel air transport of ammunition, weapons and armored vehicles, in addition, aircraft A-4 Skyhawk and Sherman tanks. ('Israel and the American National Interest. A Critical Examination. Urbana', Cheryl A. Rubenberg, Indiana University Press. 1986. P. 113).

Premier Levi Eshkol, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan and Chief of Staff Yizthak Rabin, ended the tension and launched 'Operation Focus'. On June 5, 1967 at 7:45 am, the Israeli Air Force, led by former Palmach a terrorist Zionist, Mordechai Hod, demolished in just three hours 13 bases, 23 radar stations and nearly 350 aircraft Egyptian war on land.

Within a week the Zionist General Ariel Sharon, Israel Tal and Abraham Yoffe, erased the Palestinian dream of freedom. The 5 / 6, collapsed and Israel, Egyptian forces occupied airspace. Between 6 and 7 / 6, occupied the Gaza Strip, the remaining Palestinian territory and the Zionist General Motta Gur, occupied Jerusalem (total 22%). The 8 / 6, occupied the Suez Canal, forcing the surrender Cairo. The 9 / 6, attacked and occupied Syrian Golan to the city of Kuneitra. The 10 / 6, after control of the Occupied Territories at 18:30 pm ended the war, to please the United States.

The consequences for Palestine were fatal. In addition to losing the rest of his country and its capital Jerusalem, "in the course of the war moved from home to 325,000 Palestinian refugees, forced into exile." ('A Report of the Commissioner-General, Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East', A/6713, 30 / 6 / '67).

The story of betrayal and hypocrisy manufacturing was repeated with Marshal Abdel Hakim Amer, commander in chief of the Egyptian Armed Forces, right hand and brother of Nasser. His betrayal was key to the Israeli military success fleeting. Serving prison awaiting trial, was found dead Amer. While there was talk of suicide, Nasser made him pay his felony (09/15/1967).

A hours after the war, the occupying power began Judaizing Jerusalem. "In adjacency to the Western Wall of al-Mughrabi, in the Old City of Jerusalem, drove out the Palestinians and demolished their homes to build illegally present Jewish Quarter" ... "tens of Palestinian villages destroyed and their inhabitants were expelled. Some surfaces turned it into nature reserves and parks, such as Canada Park, picnic site in Israel "(" The politics of denial: Israel and the Palestinian refugee issue ", Nur Masalha, 2004 /" Palestinian Refugees in the RO and the Gaza Strip ', Terry Rempel, August / 2006)

with perversion. The occupying power sector illegally annexed East Jerusalem, uniting the occupied city in 1948 (23 / 6 / '67). The UN passed in June and July of '67, the resolutions of 2252-B, the 2253 ES-V, the 2254 and 242 (22/11 / '67), deploring the occupation of Jerusalem and calling on Israel to withdraw to line 4 / 6 / '67 from all occupied Arab territories. Defiant

. On 30/7/1980, Israel illegally became its capital Jerusalem. The UN is "a violation of international law, demanded not to change the legal status of the city and called on countries not recognize it as Israel's capital and maintain their embassies in Tel Aviv "(resolution 478, 20 / 8 / '80).

Israel, born of the UN probe, made all decisions in ink on paper during these 42 years of expansion of the '67 war.

with impunity. Zionist Vice Yigal Allon (terrorist commander of the Palmach, 1941), called "two-thirds attach Palestinian and build 30 Jewish settlements as a security cordon" (July 1967). During these 42 years of occupation, Israel built 220 settlements, home to 400 000 Israeli settlers. Condemned by the UN. To the far right Rabbi Shlomo Goren, the colonization of Palestine is sacred, "The mandate to colonize the land of 'Israel' is more important than all the commandments together" (Los Angeles Times, 03/01/1994).

The dramatic and painful experience of Palestine, was regenerated in their own struggle. Commander Yasser Arafat, recovered democratically Palestinian people's interests driving the PLO (17 / 7 / '67). Israel, myths and rhetorical terrorism suspects and found a new Casus Belli. Embedded

pride after winning six days to four Arab armies, Israeli forces have decided to end the PLO in the village Jordan's Al Karameh. Unexpected. The occupying army was defeated by the Palestinian resistance. After three days of fierce fighting forced the Moshe Dayan invincible army fled up and leave their heavy weapons (21/03/1968). The occupying power for the first time tasted defeat.

Grief over the loss of homeland, a scourge to our days, and the lesson of the 'Battle of Al Karameh', sealed the Palestinian determination was repeated with the Intifada (popular uprising) of '76, '87, 2000 and 2009 in Gaza. It was and is the decision of the Palestinian people to fight for their dignity and their freedom until the return of Palestinian State capital in Jerusalem and the recovery of its legitimacy from 1948 to 1967.

June 5, 2009

(*) "It was the first Ambassador of Palestine to Argentina, International Analyst

on the Palestinian Question

© Copyright, Suhail Hani Daher Akel, can publish, translate or distributed without changing the content and citing the source and author


shda 6 / 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

What Does Discharge Look Like Before Your Period?

Nakba, a trickle of blood that hangs in the world with dual balance

Nakba, a trickle of blood that hangs from the world

Nakba-Jerusalem, Palestine from 1948 to 1915 May - 2009

By: Ambassador Suhail Hani Daher Akel (*)

A century tormentor. Restless souls and dark occupied the scene. A macabre observation cut veins. Despotic monarchy, republican and liberal ideas napolóniacas post. Colonialism. Ideologies of left and right. The French revolutionary heritage and the pre-post-Hitler, seasoned minds outbreak of war in Europe Desencontro.

The European Judeophobia driven stimulated the Zionist influence in the late nineteenth century. Created a historiography based on foreign territory according to colonial image of the first Zionist Congress in Basel to settle in Palestine (1897). With most agnostic Zionists falsely Europeans claimed their rights in the biblical texts, making them a mere real estate note.

A maneuvering the head of the Jewish Agency, Chaim Weizmann Belarus (after Israel's first president), British professor of history at the University of Liverpool, Charles Kingsley Webster, the messianic view: "... to transfer London the center of Zionism ... With unerring ability, Weizmann, adapted their arguments to the personalities of each man of State. With the British and the Americans could use biblical language and arouse emotions, with others, spoke of interests. " ("The Art and Practice of Diplomacy", CKWebster in The Listener 28.2.1952).

Britain to keep its colonies, including Palestine, needed to win the First World War at all costs. The suffering of Europe, the first seed germinated Holocaust. Nourished it, the goal set colonialist Zionism. Need of its lobby and Jewish banks, the British during the war, he was offered the Zionist Organization a 'Jewish National Home in Palestine. " ("Balfour Declaration", 2/11/1917).

Among the mentors 'Jewish National Home', Sir Winston S. Churchill, Colonial Secretary, dubbed the 'Butcher Gallipoli '(for their landing at the site of the Turkish mainland, 1915), invested in June 1954 premier, told a press conference in the U.S.: "I am a Zionist, I want to make clear that. I was the one who inspired the Balfour Declaration and worked faithfully for her "(This Was Merely the introduction." Churchill and Politics, The Last Romantic Zionist Gentile, Dr. Yoav Tenenbaum).

When asked reasons. The English Lord Chancellor Arthur J. Balfour, depressed, decided the declaration by the emphasis of the Minister of Munitions, David Lloyd George. Addressing this, the Organization of the Arms Industry and Minister of War in 1916, was affected in its battle against the shortage of acetone to make bombs. In reporting, the Zionist Weizmannn also director of the Chemical Laboratory of the British Admiralty, he devised a process for the accelerated production of synthetic ketones and handed to the Crown. Favored Fire hegemony of the powerful Royal Navy, I reversed the War in its favor. Committed

Lloyd George, was not enough words of thanks to Weizmann: "He has given you a great service to the Kingdom and I would like to request him to recommend to Her Majesty to honor" Weizman agile colonial spirit, replied, " Nothing for me ... Yes, I would like to do something for my Jewish people, a state. " ("Memories of War" David Lloyd George, Volume I).

War four empires collapsed, the German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian and Turkish, and three great dynasties. Died daily average of 6,000 people for four years, three months and fourteen days, reaching almost 10 million dead. For Weizmann and his Zionist followers, the victory of their allies boosted the dream of the Jewish state in Palestine.

Arabs plunged into turmoil after 400 years of Ottoman-Turkish occupation, were segmented by the English-French colonialism through the secret pact of Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916), who redesigned the borders of the Middle East. Palestine was under British occupation. A fertile field for the Zionists.

The Treaty of Versailles arbitrary, determined the end of World War I and the foundation of the League of Nations (28/06/1919). Was instrumental in 'legal' to the winners in the division of Ottoman imperialism torn country. The emir Faisal ibn Hussein, chaired the Arab delegation ambivalent in Versailles Peace Conference. Functional role for the British and the spy Thomas Lawrence (of Arabia), was rewarded as king of Syria in 1920. Moved by the French occupation of Syria, proclaimed him king of Iraq the following year.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe conspiracy, Faisal Weizmann visited in southern Transjordan (June 1918), tempting him to forge an agreement to establish a Jewish National Home in Palestine in exchange to satisfy his overweening ambition to build a single Arab state under his sole and separate rule for a future Jewish Palestine.

Behind the Palestinians. Signed in London, "Faisal-Weizmann Agreement (01/03/1919). Its preamble outlining the principle of illusion: "His Royal Highness the Emir Faisal, representing and on behalf of the United Arab Hijaz and Dr. Chaim Weizmann, representing and on behalf of the Zionist Organization, mindful racial kinship ....". Meanwhile, three of his nine points, were strategic: Point 2 °: "... the definitive boundaries between the Arab State and Palestine shall be determined by a commission ...". Item 3 °: "... the guarantees will be offered to run the British statement (Balfour Declaration)." Item 4 °: "... encourage Jewish immigration to Palestine on a large scale and to settle Jewish immigrants as soon as possible ...".(" The Arab Awakening, George Antonius, 1938, P. 437-439).

Betrayed and marginalized their people. Palestinian unrelated racial, became a haven for German, Polish and Russian Jews. The carnal knowledge of the British Zionist said David Ben Gurion, Haganah terrorist leader: "England will be defensive sea and land bases in the Jewish State" (19 th Zionist Congress, 1935).

in the cavity of the spurious alliances. Motivated. The Nazi SS, Leopold von Mildenstein and Kurt Tuchler, the German Zionist Federation, visited Palestine for six months. Impressed. The Nazi published in the Berlin daily Der Angriff (1934): "A trip Nazi Palestine. " He admired, "the achievements of the Jews came to Palestine from Germany", noted, "The Zionist development, a new type of Jew" and promoted "a Jewish homeland in Palestine." In his honor, the newspaper issued a "special medal with a Nazi swastika on one side and the other, a star of David." ("A Nazi Travels to Palestine", History Today, Jacob Boas, London, January 1980, p.33-38).

Behind a facade of spurious mechanisms for the transfer of Jews to Palestine, the Jewish Agency has signed with the Ministry of Finance Nazi, the "Agreement Havaara" (28/08/1933). Product of the same and with the support of White Book of Churchill (1922), the German Jews in 1939 exceeded 13 percent of the native population. Millions of dollars were transferred to the Jewish Agency in Palestine, damaging the German economy. Meanwhile, "Many of these Jews, at the end of the 30s, transferred replicas of their homes and factories" ("Transfer Agreement", Edwin Black, Pág.379). Powers

fluctuating collapsed systems spawned a fierce rivalry of interests. Accordingly. World War II broke out (09/01/1939 to 09/02/1945). Blood Kiss Powers Allied against the Axis and vice versa, dragged a European Holocaust with over 55 million dead. Of these, 27 million Christians, 6 million Jews and nearly 3 million Muslims. Augured the Zionists at the expense of the pain of his own people: "... In exile, the Jews await a general massacre ... their only escape is a mass emigration to the land of Israel (Palestine). " ("Jabo, Zeev Jabotinsky Biography" Shamuel Katz, p. 25. - 1993).

Regardless of others. Biased the Holocaust. Undermined international law and caused the industry to blame. Where everyone can question all but them. Occur, the label of 'Nazi' or 'anti-Semitic. " "... Shut up in the experience of the Holocaust ... is a good example of how a community can overplay a historic experience, so far as to begin to reject their friends ... to the point that grief ends arousing the anger" ("Identity Jewish "Arun Gandhi (n), Washington Post, 07/01/2008 online.)

The Yalta Conference (4 to 2/11/1945). Joseph Stalin (USSR), Franklin Roosevelt (USA) and Winston Churchill (United Kingdom), glorified the victory with a new division of the world. Started the Cold War (1945-1998) and required to meet the guidelines sterile League with the creation of the United Nations-UN (24/10/1945). Reserving the right partners 'veto' of the Security Council. Main tool of protection for their imperialist designs. Servile to decline since 1949 the General Assembly condemnations against the Israeli occupying power.

The emerging power of the United States, led the Zionist lobby to be its main ally and shift its financial operations to New York. To show loyalty. Were removed from British colonialism and its terrorist attacks against British forces in Palestine, hastened the British withdrawal 9 hours before the creation its illegal status (1948). Fittingly, the terrorist group Yizthak Stern Shamir, assassinated Lord Moyne, High Commissioner in Egypt (11/06/1944), charging: "... to be an implacable enemy of Jewish independence" ("Rescue and Liberation: America's part in the birth of Israel "Isaac Zaar, NY Bloc Publishing Cy. 1954, p.115.). Despite

clinginess British police on the streets of Jerusalem, posters with the title of 'Wanted' and photos of 10 terrorists Zionists, led by Menahem Begin (Nobel Peace Prize-1978). The terrorist attacks against the British increased. A Zionist attack on the King David Hotel of Jerusalem, killed 41 Palestinians, 33 British and 17 Jews (22/07/1946). And ".. the group's terrorist group Irgun, blew up the pipeline from the Iraq Petroleum & Co, near Haifa (Palestine )..." (" Jewish Terrorism ", Diario La Prensa, Buenos Aires, between 24 -30/3/1947)

The asymmetry of the new U.S. president Harry Truman, to personally ensure Weizmann, work and recognize the Jewish State (March 1948), demonstrated the differences between the pressures and feelings put in their manuscripts 1947: "... The Jews are very selfish. They are not concerned about the number of Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks who are being killed or abused ... as long as the Jews get special treatment ... "(Bibliotheca Truman, The Washington Post, Rebecca Dana and Peter Carlson, USA 10/07/2003).

The future of Palestine, was lying. The Russian Zionist Zeev V. Jabotinsky, a friend of Benito Mussolini and considered by him, "Citizen fascist", delivered what is now intended to "... Palestine must stop being an Arab country ... a Palestine as a Jewish state ... a Jewish Palestine, but nothing more than Jewish" . ("Zionist State" ZV Jabotinsky, 1936)

colonial powers and the League of Nations, during the First War, carrying the European Judeophobia promised the powerful Zionist lobby "a Jewish national home 'in Palestine, without Palestinian agreement. Europe fregoteando his conscience over the Holocaust and the U.S. forced by economic Jewish lobby, after Yalta, the desire Zionists promoted the partition of Palestine in the UN, to the creation on the land of a Jewish State (29/11/1947) . Israel declared unilaterally on 15/5/1948, the Palestinian state was choked with intricacies of law, conspiracy, treason, occupation, persecution, ethnic cleansing, exile, walls, settlements and apartheid. Burying a country that in 7500 BC, led the civilization.

Regardless of the human condition. The XXI century with the silent remains undaunted philosophical history of the tragedy and the Palestinian exile. Upon completion of 61 years of Nakba (Catastrophe) and the fall of Palestine and its capital Jerusalem, the Israeli-Zionist colonization remains a fang stuck in the jugular Palestinian

(*) - It was the first Ambassador of the State of Palestine

Argentina - International Analyst on the Palestinian Question

© Copyright, Suhail Hani Daher Akel, is can publish, translate or distribute without altering the content and citing the source and author. _____________

shda 5 / 2009