Sunday, July 1, 2007

December Party Invitation Retirment


The Foreign Ministers and Deputy Ministers of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Surinam and Venezuela gathered in the city of Iquitos, 25 November 2005 to attend the "Ninth Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Member States of the Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO)"

1. EXPRESS their satisfaction with the level of agreement reached by the Amazonian countries within the political framework of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (TCA) and, during the 25 years of entry into force of the TCA, renewed its resolve to continue working together, convinced that Treaty Organization (ACTO) is a forum to promote integration, sustainable development and regional solidarity, the shared purpose of strengthening democratic institutions and deepen the fight against poverty.

2. reiterate their political determination to ACTO contribute to deepening and improving the regional integration process within the South American Community of Nations.

3. In accordance with the mandates of the presidential statements of Cusco (December 2004) and (Brasilia, September 2005) instruct the Permanent Secretariat of the ACTO to coordinate with the Secretariats of the Andean Community, the Southern Common Market ( MERCOSUR), the ALADI and CARICOM, IIRSA Technical Secretariat in order to assist in consolidating the South American Community of Nations.

4. , it reaffirms the fundamental importance that Member States have the Amazon region, common purpose of joining efforts to achieve the full incorporation of their Amazonian territories into their respective national economies, will and responsibility to conserve the natural resources of the Amazon and the sovereign right to exploit these resources sustainably.

5. Welcome the initiative of the draft Charter Amazon by the Government of Peru and decided to open a negotiation process on the same within the Amazon Cooperation Council, leading to its adoption as part of the twenty-five years of life of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty.

6. HIGHLIGHT the importance of the dynamic interplay of the different ecosystems and geographic regions that make up the Amazon Basin, and decide to continue working to promote sustainable and productive areas of complementarity social, economic, environmental, and cultural tourism throughout the basin.

7. reaffirmed the political will to develop effective cooperation mechanisms to conserve the Amazon Basin, one of the largest reserves of fresh water on the planet, and in this regard stresses the need to implement in their territories for the preservation actions the Amazon ecosystem, including those directed to address the serious problem of the gradual melting of Andean glaciers.

8. welcomes the progress made by ACTO for the implementation of the draft Integrated Sustainable Management of Transboundary Water Resources in the Amazon River Basin, with financial support from the UNEP / GEF, and will, among other things, developing studies and projects to harmonize policy and institutional management of water resources.

9. Following the mandate from the Declaration of Manaus, to instruct the Permanent Secretariat of the ACTO to intensify efforts to preparation of studies and implementation of alternative transportation technologies, which enable the exchange of goods and services in the inner regions of the Amazon.

10. HIGHLIGHT the need for continued cooperation between the Amazon countries in the process of review, improvement and implementation of the Strategic Plan 2004-2012 ACTO to act in areas of common interest to the sustainable development of the Amazon, ensuring the achievement of benefits and equitable distribution to improve the quality of life of local populations, especially access to education, water services, sanitation, health, communications, energy, transport and, in general, the fight against poverty.

11. express its appreciation and congratulations to the Ministers and High Authorities on the progress made in the meetings of Intellectual Property (Rio de Janeiro, June 2005) and Science and Technology, (Lima, August 2005) as part of actions to be undertaken under the work programs of the ACTO, and in this sense, it renews the mandate to the Permanent Secretariat to promote the ministerial meetings in order to advance the political dialogue on issues of concern to Member States such as Environment, Trade and Integration, Integrated Defense and Security and Social Development of the Amazon region.

12. STRESS the holding of the Second Meeting of the Permanent Commissions of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty, held in Brasilia from 10 to 12 May 2005, and reaffirmed their willingness to cooperate and provide assistance to strengthen them, so that they become a space for agreement to promote and facilitate the implementation of the provisions of TCA.

13. reaffirmed the political will of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs to continue to play an active role in the coordination of National Commissions Permanent, and to instruct the Permanent Secretariat of the ACTO to prepare, with the Permanent National Commissions, through their respective foreign ministries, a strategy to coordinate with her to the effective implementation of the strategic priorities proposed in the Strategic Plan 2004 - 2012 and the monitoring by Member Countries.

14. EMPHASIZE the importance of States Parties will continue to articulate common positions on issues of environment and sustainable development in various international forums, as was observed in the V Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests. As a result, decided to continue this process consultation and coordination of positions and to instruct the Permanent Secretariat of the ACTO to assist in this process. Also agree to coordinate common positions in support of the Permanent Secretariat, particularly in the Sixth Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests and the IV World Water Forum.

15. STRESS in regard to problems arising from climate change, the need for urgent action at national, regional and international levels to reverse this phenomenon and its impact on the problem of deglaciation. It also decides to strengthen coordination in the area of \u200b\u200bthe United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to promote adequately the interests of the countries of the region.

16. agree on the importance of coordinating strategies on issues related to the commitments undertaken at the Johannesburg Summit on Sustainable Development to contribute to the objectives of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty, as well as the identification of actions related to these issues and coordinate policies and strategies that contribute to the articulation of national networks of cooperation, as soon as possible.

17. In view of the forthcoming meeting on comprehensive security and defense of the Amazon CALL address in its working agenda on the social, environmental and economic consequences of world drug problem to the Amazon basin and reiterate the need to confront it in all its phases.

18. Reaffirms Commitment under the Treaty to give special attention to consideration of initiatives presented by lesser developed countries, decided to join forces in joint actions to meet the needs of cooperation in Bolivia, as a landlocked developing country and as, Guyana and Suriname, as small and vulnerable countries.

19. RECOGNIZE the need to prevent, combat and eliminate all forms of environmental degradation in the Amazon region that undermine the quality of life of local people, and decide to take action to help control and reduce illegal practices, such as forest fires, illegal mining activities, mainly gold, and trafficking in forest products, flora, fauna, and misappropriation of genetic resources and traditional knowledge.

20. They express their satisfaction with the Draft Validation of 15 indicators of sustainability of the Amazon Forest, which should be continued with the implementation of activities and cooperation Member States of the ACTO, according to the schedule adopted at the meeting in August 2005.

21. CONSCIOUS of the need for States Parties must give impetus to scientific research, knowledge generation, technology development and training of human resources, aimed at sustaining natural resources and the identification of actions that contribute to the solution of social, economic, environmental, technological, educational and cultural Amazon. Instruct the Secretariat ACTO Permanent coordinate through national commissions and permanent system of Amazonian Universities (UNAMAZ), to develop policies and strategies towards the achievement of local initiatives.

22. In this regard, congratulated Brazil for its efforts to extend to other countries of ACTO postulate the possibility of Professor Samuel Benchimol Award, which highlights initiatives for sustainable development in the Amazon.

23. agree to strengthen national and regional efforts to advance the studies on the development of waterways, waterways and other transportation Amazon system, contributing to the advances being made in the framework of the Initiative for Infrastructure Integration South American Regional-IIRSA, the Amazon hub, and promote their use to promote the complementarity of the economies and promote the development of the region as well as, to instruct the Permanent Secretary of the ACTO to collaborate with Member States in preparation of these studies.

24. also agree to encourage the adoption of incentive measures to promote and facilitate the expansion of regional air connectivity as a key factor for integration and development of the Amazon.

25. DECIDED promote cooperation among States Parties with a view to developing national projects of information systems geographical environmental monitoring of the Amazon that help to improve knowledge of the ACTO member countries of the Amazon and monitor relevant activities developed in the region. It also recommends that the Permanent Secretariat of the ACTO, to the extent of their technical capabilities to support the formulation of projects to finalize the offer of the Government of Brazil, to extend to all member countries can cooperate in the field of security and surveillance systems of the Amazon SIVAM SIPAM, especially in areas such as scientific and technological development, use and monitor water resources, minerals and forestry; forest fire monitoring and combating illegal acts in the region.

26. They express their satisfaction with the participation of special guests and observers at meetings of Foreign Ministers of the ACT.

27. WELCOMING the decision of the First Meeting of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Nations held in Quito, during the first half of 2006, a meeting of South American countries, in coordination with other UNAMAZ academic institutions and regional and subregional governmental organizations, to discuss points of interest common environment, and to instruct the Permanent Secretariat of the ACTO to provide strong support for this initiative.

28. decided to request the Permanent Secretariat to promote "Fair Amazon, with the active participation in the Amazon countries, those that are commercial, cultural, tourist and academic, to promote exchange between countries.

29. RECOGNIZE the importance of participation of countries in the Amazon region, including indigenous and local communities in programs and projects ACTO HAIL Consultations Nationals which took place in Quito - Ecuador and La Paz - Bolivia, and invited the other Member Countries to conduct their respective meetings of their own choosing.

30. WELCOME the people and Government of Suriname on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of its independence, which is commemorated today.

31. WELCOMES the offer by the Republic of Ecuador to carry out the III Summit of Presidents of the States Members of ACTO in the first half of 2006.

32. also welcomed the offer of the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for the Tenth Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Member States of the ACTO is done at home, in the second half of 2006.

33. THANK the Secretary General for presenting his report in the period between September 2004 and November 2005 and expressed their appreciation and satisfaction with the work of the Permanent Secretary in the last twelve months which led to the development and protection actions Amazonia and the increased awareness of issues and problems of the region.

34. express to the people and Government of Peru, in the person of His Excellency Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Oscar Maurtua de Romana, thanks for the hospitality and sincere congratulations for the excellent organization of the "Ninth Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Member States of the Organization of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty ".

Iquitos, November 25, 2005

For the Republic of Bolivia
For the Federative Republic of Brazil
For the Republic of Colombia
For the Republic of Ecuador
For the Cooperative Republic of Guyana
For the Republic of Peru
For the Republic of Suriname
For the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Published on November 25 2005.
"Treaty Organization (ACTO)"


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