Hana no ko Lun Lun better known as Angel the flower girl, is a story of Shiro Jimbo published since 1979 as the anime was produced by Toei Animation, included 50 episodes broadcast between 1979 1980. Also he made a movie, Hana no Ko Lun Lun: Konnichiwa Sakura no Sono which was a summary of the series.
The series tells the story of a girl descended from the fairies, the spirits of the flowers, whose mission is to find the flower of the seven colors. Rope (the dog) and Katty (the cat]) it is communicated to Lunlun the bearer of such a mission. To find the flower, Lunlun, along with Rope and Katty, travels the world and continually encountered Malina and Boris, who want to steal the flower of the seven colors. Malina and plans to become the queen of fairyland, the star of the flowers. Celli appears on every adventure giving seed to the new friends to plant Lunlun without her knowing. To help in the mission, the dog and the cat, which is actually two spirits of the flowers, give Lunlun the "key of flowers, a talisman that lets you use the power of flowers to wear any clothing you need. To this must be a flower present the power to borrow.
During one trip, however, the "key of flowers break and Celli Lunlun makes delivery of the second" key of flowers with which can not only dress but also acquire skills that what masquerades. Unfortunately, only for a limited time, after which the key starts flashing and the transformation is reversed. In presenting the second key, Celli warns you to protect at all costs, because if they break again, Lunlun lose his life.
Lunlun, tired of traveling and finding nothing, decided to return to his people, and also missed much of his grandparents who had stayed there. Upon returning to the surprise is that the seven-colored flower is in your own backyard. Celli Everyone I gave them seeds to plant Lunlun had sent flowers as a token of appreciation and they had blossomed the flower that was looking for. Through each episode, Lunlun manages to "fill in the fields of colors" and "bring good people with examples of love." His travels are not in vain, because in each of them learn while helping many with his good will.
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