Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Places To Have A Baby Shower In Austin


Richard Chase Smith (IBC): Wanderings Andean Amazon: landscape and memory ancestral colectuva yanesha Village.

One of the first revelations of a research and mapping-an ongoing, historical and culture give spacio Yánesha Village is that their story not only preserved in the collective memory, but is also reflected on the natural landscape. Thus more than 15 types of geographic features, act as physical points of reference in the landscape to help remind memorized oral texts.

Likewise, mapping, together with a careful study of ethnohistorical and oral history itself, shows that the people Yánesha has had strong ties with the Andean region of Tarma, La Oroya and Yauli and Lurin Valleys, Rimac and Chillon. Yánesha history has been carried out within an Andean-Amazonian area much wider imagined that spans both sides of the Andes from the Amazon basin to the Pacific Ocean.

Chaumeil Jean-Pierre (IFEA / CNRS): Khipu: Connections Andean Amazon?

is proposed to establish possible connections between the system of Andean khipu and certain types of knotted cords used in ritual contexts in different regions of the Amazon lowlands. (And on the mainland), making comparative references between both areas. One question that arises here is to know to what extent the study of such knotted cords Amazon can help you better understand or otherwise khipus system in general.

By way of introduction, we will begin "reading" of knotted cords Yagua (Peruvian Amazon) to be held on the occasion of the great rituals. Interestingly, if Yagua have, like other peoples of the Amazon " a mythology that could be described as "tubular, ie without reference to locations or place names, however, have ropes with knots that relate specifically to sites and events. In a kind of externalization of memory (number of nodes arranged on a string). On the other hand it would be interesting to contrast this model some abstract historical-spatial memory (including shamanic journeys) with other models closely linked to the landscape, with place names or other forms of registration space, like for example the Yánesha, do not use these String types (see paper by R. Smith) In other words what is the relationship, if exists between the two modes of action? and what it teaches us about the exercise of memory in these cultures.

Isabelle Combes (IFEA, Santa Cruz): Condon, Condorillo and Candire: Saypurú lost mine.

This work provides elements of the Inca presence, if not in the Chaco itself-at least in the West Bank called "ridge Chiriguana" in Bolivia. Archaeological research is still incipient in this area and the data come mainly from colonial written sources. The most famous of these, the "positive relationship" of Diego Felipe de Alcaya, was also, paradoxically, the less credible in the eyes historians. On the basis of colonial documents and even some indigenous testimony today, is to prove the truth of this relation in particular touches Saypurú mine in the Andean foothills. Ethnohistorical research was recently confirmed by archaeological surveys, inviting you to "rehabilitate", if it is the term, chronic Alcayala strange, and to suggest new interpretations of the successive doublings of the region by the Andean peoples and lands low in search of Candire.

Jaime Reagan (CAAAP - San Marcos): Image and Memory: relations between Moche and Jibaro.

current oral memory of the Jivaro allows access to the past of their neighbors Mochica. Methodology will resume Peruvian archaeologist Julio C. Tello and others analyzed Amazonian myths to interpret the Andean iconography.

Francois Correa (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá): The current relations between Indians in the Amazon and the Andes in Colombia.

relations between indigenous peoples of the Andes and the Amazon were disrupt the process of building national society, and today one another there are significant socio-cultural differences. We argue as ongoing participation in national society and the struggle for the recognition of rights as 'peoples' has generated a new sense of solidarity that prints new meanings to their terms of trade.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Brent Corrigan At School


The privatization will cause a problem with unpredictable consequences Amazon Jungle.

Brazilian President Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva ratified the Provisional call 458 in the benefit of grileiros , the name given to the squatters of these forest lands who settled in tax areas and do not have titles property.

The decision affects about 67 million hectares of forest in the Legal Amazonia, an area equivalent to twice the size of the province of Buenos Aires.

Such as the law was ratified by the Brazilian Executive, a person who comes to the Amazon and claims as its own a piece of land up to 400 hectares may receive a degree no one is really sure if occupying the extension.

As you can read in the law, land to 100 hectares surface would be no charge to the occupants of 101 to 400 would go on sale with a symbolic price of 401 to 1500 hectares would be sold at market price.

The most extensive as those would go from 1501 to 2500 hectares would go to public auction and more than 2500 hectares would at the hands of the state which could be sold with the authorization of Congress.

Land "privatized" may be exploited for various crops and livestock. After three years, owners may put them on sale.

A partial veto

The ban became law with few reservations: the executive has exercised its right to veto in two points the rule, which had been included during the parliamentary debate.

Article 7 provided for the transfer of land to companies, or individuals who do not live in the region and manage their lands by third parties or nominees.

In this way, only people living in forested land permanently, and who have settled there before December 2004 can claim legal ownership.

eliminated President Lula also point extending the possibility of acquiring title deeds on behalf of companies.


Prestigious climatologists believe that Amazon will suffer more droughts this century due to climate change and therefore be more vulnerable to fire, so you should monitor deforestation so far averages by 1% per annum from its surface.

The Brazilian Amazon lost between February and April 2009, 197 Km2. jungle cover an area similar to the territory of an island like Aruba.

is 90.1% lower than the devastation in the same period in 2008 (1,992 km2), according to the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), but clarified that the forest area destroyed in the period may be much higher than the announced due to the high cloudiness in the quarter affected the calculations made using satellite imagery.

Of all the Brazilian Amazon, 25% and is in private hands - farmers, foresters, farmers, etc. -, And about 28 % Consists environmental reserves and indigenous lands. Ie remains 48 percent . About this percentage the Brazilian government would privatize 67 million hectares , threatening biodiversity.

The word "biodiversity" is composed of the Greek word "bios" (life) and the Latin word "diversité (diversity or difference). In general, therefore, biodiversity means: diversity of life.

Brazil and its commitments

The Government of Brazil signed the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), pledging to protect what biodiversity gives us: resources for food, water, forests, raw materials, etc., knowing that it is threatened for various reasons, among which highlights the involvement of the human being.

The Secretary General of the Organization Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO), Rosalia Arteaga Serrano, said signing the agreement with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in 2005 for the sustainability of the Amazon is of extreme importance to the Amazon, since the biodiversity is a strategic issue ". The program is under the Amazon Cooperation Treaty, adopted by Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Surinam and Venezuela.

Global Action for Biodiversity, Countdown 2010, led by the Office of the IUCN to Europe (IUCN-ROfE) http://www.countdown2010.net/ , invites governments to preserve biodiversity , promoting and supporting the implementation of existing commitments related to the conservation of the same .

South America is a key region, with 40% of biodiversity, 25% forests and 26% of renewable fresh water worldwide.

During the expert meeting held in Lima, Peru on June 19, 2009, Maria Luisa del Rio , Director General of Diversity Biological of Ministry of Environment of Peru, said "We can not think and take actions as if we lived in a homogeneous world, we are heterogenous in climate, diverse in species, in languages, ethnic, cultural expression. Our challenge is to find the common expression, that union within the biodiversity because biodiversity is health, food, shelter, industry, tourism ... is our reason for being. "

The Australian Association of National Parks - Aapne - prompted the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil, to commit itself to protect in perpetuity the entire Amazon rainforest by having a "value outstanding universal " and declared a World Heritage Site.


One Country though sovereign, should not have unilaterally on ecological and environmental future of humankind.

"The issue of privatization and an end to the Amazon ecosystem is not only a problem of society in the countries where is the mega-reserve land ecosystem, but the planet and humanity as a whole, "said Omar Cabezas Lacayo, President of the Iberoamerican Federation of Ombudsman (FIO).

This may be the beginning of the massive devastation of the Amazon rain forest, as it was, years ago, the devastation of rain forests, the Borneo and Indonesia and African tropical forests.

Forests should not be sold, forests should be preserved.

* Prof. Norberto Ovando; Vice President / Association of Friends of the National Parks - Aapne -

Expert World Commission on Protected Areas - WCPA - IUCN.

Latin American Network of Protected Areas - RELAP -

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Brazilian Wax With Friend

FLEET Palestinian Information Post-PIP * To keep the Memory - New

not introduce me
PIP, November 7, 2009 .-
President Mahmoud Abbas, yesterday announced Friday night Ramallah officially will not be submitted to the elections scheduled for January 24, 2010. "I told our brothers in the PLO that I have no intention to stand for election," noting that "it is open to debate." He also thanked those who asked yesterday to reconsider his resignation, including the presidents of Egypt and Israel. Hamas considered this strategy and called on Fatah to terminate the agreements with Israel for the sake of national unity.

usurped the seventh Palestinian home in Jerusalem.
Other 3 Israeli demolition notices
PIP, November 5, 2009 .-
The house of the Al Kurd Palestinians on their land in the Palestinian neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem, is the seventh this year usurped housing Jewish settlers backed by decrees of the Israeli courts, which should not have jurisdiction in occupied East Jerusalem. The house of Al Kurd, took 8 years closed by court order pending resolution of a dispute over land claimed by settlers. Occupation police kept the family members desperately looking back about a dozen Israeli settlers carried their furniture in a truck stealing them. Fawzieh, the mother of the Al-Kurd, torn reported: "We had a West Jerusalem home of a lifetime and we drove the Zionists in 1948. We bought this house and lived here since 1954, my children grew up here. They took this house and now try to take away the other. " In November 2008, when he left the service of process against the grandfather of Muhammad al-Kurd family, died of a heart attack during the hospitalization period, Jewish settlers took control of the house and waved an Israeli flag. Speaking to the press one of the illegal Israeli settlers, Gureish Yehya, a Jew born in Yemen, arrived in Israel a decade ago said his "family owns land and has documentation to prove the Ottoman Empire" (¿???), Adding "You can go to Syria, Iraq, Jordan. We are six million and they are thousands of millions "and said" This land is Israel. We in Israel. God gave this land to Jews. The Torah says so. You want war? Declare war on God, not us "...(¿???). Rifka's father Al Kurd family, said: "I am Jerusalem, a Palestinian. I have not come across the world. " The Al Kurd, last Tuesday lost her home definitely is not entitled to claim. More Demolitions: Yesterday, occupation soldiers distributed 3 military warnings to demolish houses of Palestinian families Nather Kathem Hazem Antar Hashem Abdel Qader and Majdi Khalil Ahmad Shukri Asis, in the village of Ad-Dayheh in Nablus, to expand its illegal settlements. View: 28/10/2009.

need to meet?
PIP, November 3, 2009 .-
According to sources in the Arab League and at the request of the Palestinian Authority scheduled a meeting of foreign ministers of the "Committee for the Arab peace initiative", made by Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia , Syria, Lebanon, Morocco, Yemen, Qatar, Tunisia, Algeria, Sudan and the Palestinian Authority to address the situation described by the Nobel Peace Prize, Barack Obama through his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in his meetings with Mahmoud Abbas in Abu Dhabi monarchy and Benjamin Netanyahu in occupied Jerusalem, the U.S. instead of pressing the Israeli construction freeze in settlements, he pressed the Palestinian side to put no conditions for a settlement freeze. Likewise, Mrs. Clinton warned the Arabs that "care what they say about the conflict." It is necessary to meet ... or the Arab League, composed of 22 Arab countries should exert pressure on U.S. to stop their carnal relationship with Israel. Hamas, rejected the U.S. proposals and extortion of Mrs. Clinton. Photo: Mrs. Clinton in violation of UN resolutions, met busy with Netanyahu in Jerusalem.

to victory Sakher
PIP, November 3, 2009 .-
died on Saturday in Ramallah to 70 years a historical movement Fatah and the Palestinian resistance, Sakher Habash (Abu Nizar), one of the founders of the Movement with the Martyr Yasser Arafat, and the Martyrs Kaddoummi Farouk Abu Jihad and Abu Iyad. It was a Palestinian refugee in 1948 and returned to the country along with the leader Yasser Arafat in 1994. He was one of the most loyal to Arafat. To Victoria. To Jerusalem, brother Sakher.