Khalid Amayreh
The Palestinian Information Center
Translated from English by Beatriz Morales Bastos.
The Palestinian Information Center
Translated from English by Beatriz Morales Bastos.
Once again we are affronted by another despicable statement by Shimon Peres, the deceitful elderly Israeli president and who has spent a lifetime serving the evil Zionist enterprise.
In a statement made in Rome on Friday, 5 September [2008], Peres called for banning Hamas to participate in any elections held in occupied Palestine until the group terminated all forms of resistance against Israeli occupation similar to the Nazis.
[In his remarks] Peres completely ignored the prolonged reign of murder and terror inflicted for too long the helpless and virtually defenseless Palestinians a state morally cruel he believes the events that took place in Europe six decades ago justify the genocidal ethnic cleansing that is being imposed to the victims of Zionism.
Peres, who would have us believe that Israel is an oasis of justice and freedom in the Middle East, also accused the Palestinian Islamic movement of "intolerance" of indulging in "religious and military terror" which he said is incompatible with democratic values.
Peres, who is credited with the introduction of nuclear weapons in the Middle East through the "French Connection, accused Hamas was impeding peace between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA), United States, suggesting that the "extremism" of Hamas was the main reason behind PA reluctance to sign a formal peace treaty with Israel.
Peres overlooked the fact that Israel has been more than 20 years without Hamas (1967-1987) and 19 years during which Hamas was more or less weak or neutralized (1987-2006), but instead of make peace with the Palestinian leadership, namely the PLO, the Zionist state was busy building Jewish-only settlements and Jewish-only roads on land that belongs to another people.
Moreover, Peres's remarks are beyond chutzpah. At last, after all, he himself is a despicable murderer whose hands are stained with the blood of many innocent people. It is also a pathological liar and unredeemed hypocrite.
The fact that in many capitals have respect you do not really make it any less criminal.
Indeed, for Peres to invoke the ideals of human rights and democracy against the tormented victims of Israel, the Palestinians, is very similar to having the likes of Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin lecturing their victims about sanctity of human life.
In the final analysis, no difference of moral substance between the nefarious treatment by Israel to the Palestinians, as in the case of Gaza, and the Nazi behavior during World War II.
Actually, the main difference lies not in the quality of the evil committed, but its sheer size.
Let us not be duped and deceived by this lying old man in the depths of your heart you know very well that if not for the inherently unjust international system, he and other Israeli leaders would be shipped, like drugged wild animals, the International Tribunal of Justice in The Hague to stand trial for their diabolic acts of murder and terror.
Peres and nearly all other Zionist leaders since Ben Gurion have always been despicable murderers and liars. They still are.
Peres himself is a mass murderer par excellence. In 1996, during his brief stint as prime minister after the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin ordered the Israeli army to bomb the UNIFIL headquarters at the village of Qana, south Lebanon.
And while the resulting pornographic massacre shocked the conscience of the world, Peres and his colleagues were busy deflecting blame and concocting excuses. Interestingly, Peres has never apologized for this horrific crime and that Israel would never have thought of compensating the families of the victims. Apparently, in the Zionist lexicon there is no phrase "mea culpa."
As regards pathological Peres call for barring Hamas from participating in future Palestinian elections, Israeli President should know that without Hamas there can be elections in the occupied territories.
Moreover, what kind of elections would Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza if only for admission to the agents of Israel and the U.S.?
Or perhaps the hero of Qana thinks that Palestinian democracy should not go beyond allowing the masses to choose a ** Judenrat that would torment the Palestinian people on Israel's behalf as the regime is doing in Ramallah.
addition, it is crystal clear that Peres is being scandalously inconsistent as to whether to allow groups "anti-democratic" to participate in elections.
must remember, if you have forgotten, that it happens that several Israeli political factions and parties participating in elections are full-fledged terrorist groups that openly call for the expulsion, enslavement or extermination of non-Jews in Palestine-Israel. So why not prohibit these groups to be submitted to the Israeli elections? What perishes
the manifestly fascist MIFDAl (National Religious Party) which openly calls for deporting all Palestinians to Jordan and other Arab countries? And the National Union, the quasi-Nazi party whose leaders advocate disenfranchising non-Jews and carpet-bombing Palestinian population centers? What about Mikhail Kleiner's party which considers Jordan "the eastern part of Israel"? What about the Israeli Knesset members, like Aryeh Eldad, who openly claim that non-Jews are not full human beings? How about these numerous rabbis from Merkaz Harav (the Talmudic College in Jerusalem) who teach their students that in time of war, children and non-Jewish civilians may be slaughtered en mass?
And what they seem to arch-like Baruch Marzel and his followers? Why Israel, which claims to be the only true democracy in the Middle East, allow these thugs to participate in elections?
Besides, Peres does not realize that his own party, Kadima, is comprised of real terrorists and war criminals, people who in any other country that respects itself would be thrown behind prison bars?
challenge Peres to tell us the name of a prime minister and Israeli foreign minister who is not a war criminal.
Consider, for example, the last three Israeli prime ministers, Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon and Ehud Barak.
The first ordered the Israeli Air Force dropped three million cluster bombs in southern Lebanon. For those who do not know, three million bombs are sufficient to kill and maul three million children. In Gaza, Olmert ordered his army to murder innocent Palestinian civilians by the thousands and left to starve hundreds of thousands of innocent people they had elected a political party that Israel did not like.
And Sharon? Well, we know the dark legacy of this vile war criminal tried.
And Barak, the well-known child murderer with his own hands murdered writers and Palestinian intellectuals in Beirut and who ordered his troops to open fire on unarmed Palestinian protesters. This is the man who had to appeal to the most primitive sadistic instincts of the Israeli public to be popular and get elected.
In fact, Israel itself is a crime against humanity and its leaders are vile war criminals. As such, they are utterly unworthy of speaking of human rights and democratic values.
translator Notes:
* The UNIFIL is a peacekeeping force of United Nations' created by the Security Council in 1979 to confirm Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon, restore peace and security, and help the Lebanese gobieno restore its authority in the area, "
** The Judenrat were Jewish councils. Were responsible for enforcing the rules Nazis in the Jewish communities during World War II.
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