Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Does Anyone Have A Tricycle?


It's amazing we all knew it was going to come a time, one day this criminal going to admit it, nothing but as they say is true the truth hurts.

more than 2,000 days ago on the pretext that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction first started the bombing of one of the most beautiful and ancient cities of the Arab world, the ancient Baghdad would receive a shower of fire and destruction broadcast live from the CNN, perhaps one of the most egregious satellite recently where everyone witnessed that night and start the martyrdom of a sovereign nation and as such did not allow blackmail which was being submitted by USA and its allies of the moment.

The attempt to link the secular regime of Saddam Hussein with Al Qeda fundamentalist organization had so much grip as having wanted to relate to the IRA with the Eskimos.

But finally Bush was able to taste and after the destruction, death and pain that were dropped on Iraq for its natural resources like oil and not forgetting their archaeological, everything was looted.

this week in an interview that was made by ABC to the next and former president and one of the biggest criminals in history the same Gibson admitted to the reporter that:

"The biggest regret in this whole presidency is the failure of information in Iraq, "said regarding weapons of mass destruction that his government said that Saddam Hussein possessed and led to declare war on this country in 2003.

"I wish that intelligence had been different, I guess," said .

However, Bush avoided answering when Gibson asked whether invading Iraq would have known that he had no weapons of mass destruction:

"It's an interesting question. Would go back on what has been done and one thing I can do. "


The cost in lives of the error of intelligence is to this day:

2,086 days of war

Low U.S.:

43,993 Wounded who required air transport

4,207 soldiers killed


176 British military deaths
Other nations

138 soldiers killed

Iraq Casualties

7,487 soldiers killed

43,989 Civilians killed

Everything was apparently the result of a mistake. Source

Can be as the son of a bitch?


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Nike Vapor Iii Yellow/green

Palestine, 20 years of independence postponed

By: Ambassador Suhail Hani Daher Akel

The right memory assists all oppressed people. This right of the Palestinian people, who suffered injustice, degradation and humiliation of the occupying power.

the Palestinian people in 1987 launched the Intifada against Israeli occupation and colonialism. This national action led by President Yasser Arafat and the Organization for the Liberation of Palestine, PLO, allowed the world to realize the liberation struggle of the Palestinian people and led to the Palestinian National Council (parliament in exile), during the session of Jerusalem and the Martyrs, from Algeria to the zero hour, a minute November 15, 1988, to proclaim the Declaration of Independence of the State of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital "in the voice of martyred President Yasser Arafat.

United Nations adopted the proclamation on December 15, 1988, in its resolution 43/177: "... Recalling its resolution 181 (II) of November 29, 1947, in which, inter alia, called for the creation of an Arab state y un Estado judío en Palestina... Consciente de la proclamación del Estado de Palestina por el Consejo Nacional de Palestina en línea con la resolución de la Asamblea General 181 (II) y en el ejercicio de los derechos inalienables del pueblo palestino...Afirmando la necesidad urgente de lograr una solución justa y amplia en el Oriente Medio que, entre otras cosas, prevé la coexistencia pacífica de todos los Estados de la región”.

Con impunidad. Israel la rechazó y mantuvo su política de puño de hierro en contra de la población civil y el liderazgo palestino. La resolución de la ONU quedó convertida en tina sobre papel.

La legitimidad de the ancient Palestinian independence, is before the UN partition in 1947 and the creation of Israel in 1948. In Article 22 of the League of Nations in 1919 and the Treaty of Lausanne of 1923 recognized, among Arab nations, the Palestinian right to independence and sovereignty.

can not ignore the tsunami on the Palestinian people from Israel's unilateral creation 60 years ago and the 1967 occupation. Up to the current tragedy, surrounded by walls of apartheid, which stifle their geography settlements, destruction of their homes and massive crimes.

spent 20 years and the world remains indifferent to the legitimate independent State of Palestine and its capital Jerusalem.

Following is the text of the Declaration of Independence:

-PLO Declaration of Independence of the State of Palestine

November 15, 1988 - 20th Anniversary

In God's name
Merciful Palestine, the land of the three monotheistic religions, is the place where the Palestinian Arab people was born, where it grew, developed and excelled. The Palestinian people was never separated from their land, nor were decreased comprehensive ties with Palestine. So by this the Palestinian People said for itself an everlasting union, its land and its history.

With determination through history, the Palestinian Arab people forged its national identity, reaching levels never imagined in his defense against invasion and foreign projects, which intervened to deprive these people of their political independence. However immortal union between Palestine and its people will ensure the land its character and the people their national peculiarity.

Nourished by different civilizations and cultures series inspired by a heritage rich in variety and kind, the Palestinian Arab people added to its stature by consolidating unity among themselves and land assets. The call came from the Temple, the Church and the Mosque saying worship the Creator, practicing compassion and peace was indeed the message of Palestine. And for generation after generation, the Palestinian Arab people has given unwavering to the valiant battle for liberation and homeland. For what one has meant the chain of our people's rebellions but the heroic corporealization our will for national independence? In this way the people have sustained their fight to stay and prevail.

During the course the course of modern times, when a new order was declared with norms and values \u200b\u200bfair for all the Palestinian Arab people was excluded from that fate belongs to all peoples by a hostile formation of local and foreign powers. Once again proved that justice alone and unaided was insufficient to lead to world history by the preferred path.

And it was the Palestinian Arab people, already wounded in body, who was subjected to another type of occupation over which floated the false slogan: "Palestine is a land without people." While this notion was foisted upon some in different parts of the world, in Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations (1919) and the Treaty of Lausanne (1923), the community of nations recognized that all territories Arabs, including Palestine, formerly Ottoman provinces, were to receive their freedom as independent nations.

Despite the historical injustice suffered by the Palestinian Arab people resulting in their dispersion and deprivation of their right to self-determination, then the adoption of resolution 181 (1947) General Assembly United Nations, which split Palestine into two states, one Arab and one Jewish, is the same resolution that provides the Palestinian Arab people the conditions of international legitimacy by assuring the right to sovereignty and national independence.

Through various stages, it was complying with the occupation of Palestine and parts of other Arab territories by Israeli forces. The purpose of dispossessing and expelling most of the Palestinian civilian population from their ancestral lands was achieved by organized terrorism. Those Palestinians who managed to stay on their land suffered oppression in their own homeland, were persecuted and forced to witness the destruction of their national life.

So were violated principles of international legitimacy. So the resolutions were defaced and the United Nations Charter, as they had already recognized the national rights of the Palestinian Arab people, including the right of return, the right to independence, sovereignty over territory and homeland.

inside and outside Palestine, in exile distant and near, the Palestinian Arab people never faltered and never abandoned his belief in their right of return and independence. Occupation, massacres and dispersion achieved no suppress the Palestinian consciousness of identity politics, while the Palestinians went forward with his destiny, unshakeable and unbeatable. In the long years of struggle growing political identity emerged further consolidated and Palestine confirmed. And the common formed Palestinian national will for itself a political body, the Organization for the Liberation of Palestine, PLO, their sole and legitimate representative, recognized by the entire world community, as well as by regional and international institutions. Predicated upon the rock of the conviction of the Palestinian Arab people in their inalienable rights and property of consensus on the Arab and international legitimacy, the Organization for the Liberation of Palestine-PLO led the campaigns of its great people, shaping their efforts towards united and powerful purpose, one and indivisible in the triumphs as well as over the fences and suffered massacres within and outside the country. And so it was the Palestinian Resistance qualified and taken to the summit of the Arab world knowledge, while the struggle of the Palestinian Arab people achieved a paramount importance among the various liberation movements in the world.

The massive national uprising, the intifada, now intensifying its power and cumulative approach to the occupied Palestinian territories, as well as the unflinching resistance in refugee camps outside the homeland, have amplified the level of awareness on the right and the truth Palestinian domains reaching even higher compression and news. Now at last the curtain falls on the time of hardship and deception. The intifada has set siege to the mentality of official Israel, which long has relied exclusively upon myth and terror to dent Palestinian existence.

As a result of the Intifada and because of its revolutionary irreversible impulse history of Palestine has reached this critical juncture.

So the Palestinian Arab people definitively reaffirmed their inalienable rights in the land of his heritage:

"Today, by virtue of natural rights and the exercise of those rights, legal and historical rights and sacrifice of successive generations who were provided for the sake of freedom and independence of their homeland.

"According to the resolutions adopted by the Arab Summit Conference and relying on the authority bestowed by international legitimacy embodied in the resolutions of the Organization of the United Nations since 1947.

And exercising the right of the Palestinian Arab people to self-determination, political independence, political independence and sovereignty over its territory.

-The Palestinian National Council in the name of God and the name of the Palestinian Arab people, proclaims the establishment of the State of Palestine on our Palestinian territory with its capital in Jerusalem (Al Quds Al Sharif).

The State of Palestine is the state of Palestinians wherever they found. The state is yours to be enjoyed within the national cultural identity and collective, is it yours to build complete equality of rights. It will be safeguarded their political and religious and human dignity through a democratic parliamentary system of government based on freedom to form parties. The rights of minorities are respected by most minorities also respect the decisions of the majority. The government will be based on principles of social justice, equality and non-discrimination in public rights-for men or women, on grounds of race, religion, color or sex, under the aegis a constitution that ensures the realm of law and an independent judiciary. So these principles do not allow deviations from the old spiritual and civilizational heritage of tolerance and religious coexistence.

The State of Palestine is an Arab state, an integral and indivisible Arab nation, one with that nation in heritage and civilization, she is also close to one in their quest for liberation, progress , democracy and unity. The State of Palestine affirms its obligation to abide by the Charter of the League of Arab States. The State of Palestine calls upon Arab compatriots to help consolidate and enhance the emergence of our State to reality, to mobilize potential and intensify efforts with the goal of ending Israeli occupation wing.

The State of Palestine proclaims its commitment towards the principles and purposes of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Also proclaims its commitment to the principles and policies of the Movement of Non-Aligned Movement.

also announced to be a peace-loving state, adhered to the principles of coexistence in peace. Close ranks with all States and peoples in order to ensure a permanent peace based on justice and respect for the rights of others for the potential for the welfare of mankind is assured, in order to establish and maintain a search for excellence, in which the faith in the future will eliminate fear in those who are just and for whom justice is the only recourse.

In the context of their struggle for peace in the land of love and peace, the State of Palestine to the United Nations calls asking to arrogate a special responsibility towards the Palestinian Arab people and their homeland. It calls on all states and people who love peace and freedom are asking him or her in achieving its objectives, provide security, alleviate the tragedy of his people, and help end Israel's occupation of the territories Palestinians.

The State of Palestine declares he believes in solving regional and international conflicts through peaceful means according to the letter and the resolutions of the United Nations. Without harming their natural right to defend its political independence or territorial integrity, and therefore rejects the threat or use of force, violence and terrorism against its political independence or territorial integrity, as also rejects their use against the territorial integrity of other States.

So on this day different from all others, November 15, 1988, while standing on the threshold of a new dawn, we humbly bow our heads in honor of the sacred spirits of our fallen ones, Palestinian and Arab, to the purity of those who sacrificed themselves for the homeland our sky lighting up and giving life to our land. Our hearts are lifted and irradiated by the light of sacred intifada, from those who have resisted and fought in the battles of the camps in the diaspora, exile, those who have raised the banner of liberation from our childhood , our elderly, our youth, our wounded, our prisoners and detainees, those who confirmed their ties to our sacred land in the camps, villages and cities. We express a special tribute to our brave Palestinian women, they are the ones that keep and sustain life, they are the ones who keep the eternal flame of our people. We express our oath to the souls of our martyrs, to all of our Palestinian Arab people, all free and honorable peoples in all parts: We pledge that our struggle will continue until ending the occupation and to strengthen the foundation of our sovereignty and independence.

Therefore, we call our great people to rally around the flag of Palestine, to defend and care for you here is forever a symbol of our freedom and dignity in this country, que es la Patria de los libres, por ahora y por siempre.

(frase del Corán)



Palestine, 20 years of independence postponed

By: Ambassador Suhail Hani Daher Akel

All the oppressed peoples have the right to the memory. The Palestinian people, who suffers the injustice, the degradation and the humiliation of the occupant power.

In 1987, the Palestinian People launched the Intifada against the occupation and the israeli prepotency. This national action was led for the President Yasser Arafat and the Palestine Liberation Organization-PLO, and permited the world to take conscience of the Palestinian People struggle for the liberation and gave a place to the Palestine National Council (Parliament in the exile), in the Jerusalem and the Martyrs session, from Algeria, at zero hour and one minute, on November 15th, 1988, to proclaim the “State of Palestine Independence Declaration with Jerusalem as its Capital”, in voice of president martyr Yasser Arafat.

United Nations the 15th December of 1988 in their resolution 43/177 adopted the proclamation, considering: “Recalling its resolution 181 (II) of 29 November 1947, in which, inter alia, it called for the establishment of an Arab State and a Jewish State in Palestine… Aware of the proclamation of the State of Palestine by the Palestine National Council in line with General Assembly resolution 181 (II) and in exercise of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people… Affirming the urgent need to achieve a just and comprehensive settlement in the Middle East which, inter alia, provides for peaceful coexistence for all States in the region”.

With impunity. Israel refused it, and kept its iron fist policy against the civil population and the Palestinian Leadership. The UN resolution was converted into ink on paper.

The legitimacy of the millenarian Palestine to its independence is before the partition by the UN in 1947 and the unilateral creation of Israel in 1948. In Article 22 of the Nations Society in 1919 and the Laussane Treaty in 1923, recognized the right Palestine, between Arab nations recognized and its right to independence and sovereignty.

It can not be ignored the tsunami imposed to the Palestinian people since the creation of Israel, 60 years ago, neither the occupation of 1967. Up to the current tragedy, surrounded by apartheid walls, settlements which asphyxiate their geography, destruction of their homes and massive crimes.

They spent 20 years and the world remains indifferent to the legitimate independence of the State of Palestine and Jerusalem its capital.

Below the text of the Declaration of Independence:

Palestinian National Council - PLO
State of Palestine Independence Declaration
November 15th, 1988 - 20th Anniversary

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Palestine, the Land of the three monotheistic faiths, is where the Palestinian Arab people was born, on which it grew, developed and excelled. The Palestinian people was never separated from or diminished in its integral bonds with Palestine. Thus the Palestinian Arab people ensured for itself an everlasting union between itself, its land and its history.

Resolute throughout that history, the Palestinian Arab people forged its national identity, rising even to unimagined levels in its defense, as invasion, the design of others, and the appeal special to Palestine's ancient and luminous place on that eminence where powers and civilizations are joined ... All this intervened thereby to deprive the people of its political independence. Yet the undying connection between Palestine and its people, secured for the Land its character, and for the people its national genius.

Nourished by an unfolding series of civilizations and cultures, inspired by a heritage rich in variety and kind, the Palestinian Arab people added to its stature by consolidating a union between itself and its patrimonial Land. The call went out from Temple, Church and Mosque that to praise the Creator, to celebrate compassion and peace was indeed the message of Palestine. And in generation after generation, the Palestinian Arab people gave of itself unsparingly in the valiant battle for liberation and homeland. For what has been the unbroken chain of our people's rebellions but the heroic embodiment of our will for national independence? And so the people was sustained in the struggle to stay and to prevail.

When in the course of modem times a new order of values was declared with norms and values fair for all, it was the Palestinian Arab people that had been excluded from the destiny of all other peoples by a hostile array of local and foreign powers. Yet again had unaided justice been revealed as insufficient to drive the world's history along its preferred course.

And it was the Palestinian people, already wounded in its body, that was submitted to yet another type of occupation over which floated the falsehood that "Palestine was a land without people." This notion was foisted upon some in the world, whereas in Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations (1919) and in the Treaty of Lausanne (1923), the community of nations had recognized that all the Arab territories, including Palestine, of the formerly Ottoman provinces, were to have granted to them their freedom as provisionally independent nations.

Despite the historical injustice inflicted on the Palestinian Arab people resulting in their dispersion and depriving them of their right to self-determination, following upon UN General Assembly Resolution 181 (1947), which partitioned Palestine into two states, one Arab, one Jewish, yet it is this resolution that still provides those conditions of international legitimacy that ensure the right of the Palestinian Arab people to sovereignty. By stages, the occupation of Palestine and parts of other Arab territories by Israeli forces, the willed dispossession and expulsion from their ancestral homes of the majority of Palestine's civilian inhabitants was achieved by organised terror; those Palestinians who remained, as a vestige subjugated in its homeland, were persecuted and forced to endure the destruction of their national life.

Thus were principles of international legitimacy violated. Thus were the Charter of the United Nations and its resolutions disfigured, for they had recognised the Palestinian Arab people's national rights, including the right of Return, the right to independence, the right to sovereignty over territory and homeland.

In Palestine and on its perimeters, in exile distant and near, the Palestinian Arab people never faltered and never abandoned its conviction in its right of Return and independence. Occupation, massacres and dispersion achieved no gain in the unabated Palestinian consciousness of self and political identity, as Palestinians went forward with their destiny, undeterred and unbowed. And from out of the long years of trial in ever mounting struggle, the Palestinian political identity emerged further consolidated and confirmed. And the collective Palestinian national will forged for itself a political embodiment, the Palestine Liberation Organization, its sole, legitimate representative recognized by the world community as a whole, as well as by related regional and international institutions. Standing on the very rock of conviction in the Palestinian people's inalienable rights, and on the ground of Arab national consensus, and of international legitimacy, the PLO led the campaigns of its great people, mounded into unity and powerful resolve, one and indivisible in its triumphs, even as it suffered massacres and confinement within and without its home. And so Palestinian resistance was clarified and raised into the forefront of Arab and world awareness, as the struggle of the Palestinian Arab people achieved unique prominence among the world's liberation movements in the modem era.

The massive national uprising, the Intifada, now intensifying in cumulative scope and power on occupied Palestinian territories, as well as the unflinching resistance of the refugee camps outside the homeland, have elevated awareness of the Palestinian truth and right into still higher realms of comprehension and actuality. Now at last the curtain has been dropped around a whole epoch of prevarication and negation. The Intifada has set siege to the mind of official Israel, which has for too long relied exclusively upon myth and terror to deny Palestinian existence altogether. Because of the Intifada and its revolutionary irreversible impulse, the history of Palestine has therefore arrived at a decisive juncture.

Whereas the Palestinian people reaffirms most definitively its inalienable rights in the Land of its patrimony:

Now by virtue of natural, historical and legal rights, and the sacrifices of successive generations who gave of themselves in defense of the freedom and independence of their homeland. In pursuance of Resolutions adopted by Arab Summit Conferences and relying on the authority bestowed by international legitimacy as embodied in the resolutions of the United Nations Organization since 1947; And in exercise by the Palestinian Arab people of its rights to self- determination, political independence, and sovereignty over its territory;

The Palestine National Council, in the name of God, and in the name of the Palestinian Arab people; hereby proclaims the establishment of the State of Palestine on our Palestinian territory with its capital Holy Jerusalem (A l-Quds Ash-Sharif).

The State of Palestine is the state of Palestinians wherever they may be. The state is for them to enjoy in it their collective national and cultural identity, theirs to pursue in it a complete equality of rights. In it will be safeguarded their political and religious convictions and their human dignity by means of a parliamentary democratic system of governance, itself based on freedom of expression and the freedom to form parties. The rights of minorities will duly be respected by the majority, as minorities must abide by decisions of the majority. Governance will be based on principles of social justice, equality and non-discrimination in public rights of men or women, on grounds of race, religion, colour or sex under the aegis of a constitution which ensures the rule of law and an independent judiciary. Thus shall these principles allow no departure from Palestine's age-old spiritual and civilization heritage of tolerance and religious coexistence.

The State of Palestine is an Arab state, an integral and indivisible part of the Arab nation, at one with that nation in heritage and civilization, with it also in its aspiration for liberation, progress, democracy and unity. The State of Palestine affirms its obligation to abide by the Charter of the League of Arab States, whereby the coordination of the Arab states with each otheshall be strengthened. It calls upon Arab compatriots to consolidate and enhance the emergence in reality of our state, to mobilize potential, and to intensify efforts whose goal is to end Israeli occupation.

The State of Palestine proclaims its commitment to the principles and purposes of the United Nations, and to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It proclaims its commitment as well to the principles and policies of the Non-Aligned Movement.

It further announces itself to be a peace-loving State, in adherence to the principles of peaceful coexistence. It will join with all states and peoples in order to assure a permanent peace based upon justice and the respect of rights so that humanity's potential for well-being may be assured, an earnest competition for excellence may be maintained, and in which confidence in the future will eliminate fear for those who are just and for whom justice is the only recourse.

In the context of its struggle for peace in the Land of Love and Peace, the State of Palestine calls upon the United Nations to bear special responsibility for the Palestinian Arab people and its homeland. It calls upon all peace- and freedom-loving peoples and states to assist it in the attainment of its objectives, to provide it with security, to alleviate the tragedy of its people, and to help it terminate Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories.

The State of Palestine herewith declares that it believes in the settlement of regional and international disputes by peaceful means, in accordance with the UN Charter and resolutions. Without prejudice to its natural right to defend its territorial integrity and independence, it therefore rejects the threat or use of force, violence and terrorism against its territorial integrity or political independence, as it also rejects their use against the territorial integrity of other states.

Therefore, on this day unlike all others, November 15, 1988, as we stand at the threshold of a new dawn, in all honour and modesty we humbly bow to the sacred spirits of our fallen ones, Palestinian and Arab, by the purity of whose sacrifice for the homeland our sky has been illuminated and our land given life. Our hearts are lifted up and irradiated by the light emanating from the much blessed Intifada, from those who have endured and have fought the fight of the camps, of dispersion, of exile, from those who have borne the standard for freedom, our children, our aged, our youth, our prisoners, detainees and wounded, all those whose ties to our sacred soil are confirmed in camp, village and town. We render special tribute to that brave Palestinian woman, guardian of sustenance and life, keeper of our people's perennial flame. To the souls of our sainted martyrs, to the whole of our Palestinian Arab people, to all free and honourable peoples everywhere, we pledge that our struggle shall be continued Until the occupancy ends, and the foundation of Our Sovereignty and Independence Shall Be fortified accordingly.

Therefor, we call upon Our great people to rally to the banner of Palestine, to cherish and Defend it, so That It May Be forever the symbol of Our Freedom and Dignity in homeland That s, which is a homeland for the free, now and always.

(phrase of the Koran) End

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Temporary Visitor Stamp In New York


The governor of the Brazilian state of Pará (northeast), Ana Julia Vasconcelos, told AFP on Tuesday in Zurich, Switzerland, that the attribution of Brazil's World Cup 2014 is very "important for the development of the Amazon."
Pará is located east of the state of Amazonia, but contains much of the forest and the river mouth is located Belem, one of the eighteen candidate cities to host matches in the World Cup. Ana
Partdido Vaconcelos belongs to the Workers (PT), the same of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.
"The region of Pará oragniza and get the biggest religious festival in the world, Cirio de Nazare '0 ', so you can also receive the World Cup. It is a town that loves football," he said.
Governor referred to the socio-economic status and development in a sustainable way.
Pará is poor, but is investing in infrastructure. Lack bit in relation to the stage ... We will show that we are there to defend our wealth and use it in a way (development) Sustainable. I think it's time for the world support to the states of Amazonas making them venues for the World Cup, "he said.
also mentioned the need for this development (green) to better distribute the natural resources dezsde an ecological perspective. "Undoubtedly, (World Cup) is important for the development of the Amazon. Development and nature conservation are not incompatible, versa. If you are able to develop the way we are trying, regulating, with land reform and giving value to natural resources, you can distribute the wealth from these resources without destroying them, "said Vasconcelos .

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Worksheetstriple Beam Balance


Representation in Palestine
Version Argentina English - Inglés
Argentine Representation in Palestine

Representation in Palestine
Wednesday October 22, 2008, at the Muqata 'to President's Ramallah headquarters, presented his credentials to the first Argentine Ambassador in Palestine, Horacio Wamba.

worth remembering that former Argentine President Nestor Kirchner, signed a decree to open diplomatic representation in Palestine, Argentina, in September 2005.

In Argentina opened its first diplomatic mission to Palestine in 1995 and opened its first embassy of Palestine on November 15, 1999 and was the first Palestinian Ambassador Suhail Hani Daher Akel, who was credited by President Martyr Yasser Arafat, to Argentina in 1995, ending its mission in 2006.

In 1990, Suhail Hani Daher Akel, as Representative of the PLO, determination del Presidente Yasser Arafat, abrió la primera Representación de la OLP en la Argentina. Antecedentes y Fotos:


Argentine Representation in Palestine

On Wednesday, October 22 of 2008, in the Muqata'a Palestinian Presidential palace of Ramallah city, the first Argentine Ambassador in Palestine presented his credentials, Mr. Horacio Wamba.

Bond to remember that Argentine former President Mr. Nestor Kirchner, signed the Decree for the opening a Argentine Diplomatic Representation in Palestine, in September 2005.

In Argentina the first Diplomatic Mission of Palestine was opened in 1995 and the first Embassy of Palestine was inaugurated November 15 of 1999 and the first Palestinian Ambassador was Mr. Suhail Hani Daher Akel, which was accredited by President Martyr Yasser Arafat, before Argentina in 1995, ending his mission in 2006.

In 1990, Mr. Suhail Hani Daher Akel, as a Representative of the PLO, by determination of President Mr. Yasser Arafat, opened the first Representation of the PLO in Argentine. Antecedents and Photos:


shda 10/2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

1 Page Wedding Program Template

Israel's secret service tried to assassinate Hassan Nasrallah Palestinian Information

El sitio de Internet iraquí Almalaf citando fuentes diplomáticas in Beirut, said that Hassan Nasrallah, the Hezbollah leader was poisoned last week and that his life was saved thanks to the suitability of fifteen Iranian doctors who rushed to Lebanon to treat him.

The sources said that a particularly poisonous chemical was used against the leader of Hezbollah. Nasrallah's medical condition was apparently critical for several days, until the Iranian doctors arrived and managed to save his life.

The site claimed that the sources believe that it is likely that the poisoning was an assassination attempt by Israeli intelligence.

Meanwhile, Hezbollah has denied the report. The Lebanese MP Al-Hajj Hassan, a member of the group, said the report was false.

The Iranian medical team arrived in Beirut on Sunday at eleven o'clock at night, in a special military flight. UN officials considered moving to Nasrallah to Iran for further treatment, according Almalaf, a Web site aide to the Iranian regime.

In September 1997, the Mossad tried to finalize the political leader of Hamas, Khaled Meshal, injecting poison into his ear. The attempt failed, and two of his officers were captured, while others found refuge in the Embassy of Israel in Amman.

Imad Mughniyah, the Hezbollah's second in command, was killed in February in Damascus, by detonating an explosive device. Hezbollah accused Israel of responsibility for the explosion, although Israel denied any connection with the incident.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Record Producer Midi Edition Deluxe

Post-PIP to keep the memory-October 2008.

Breaking the possible unity

Terra is, PIP, October 10, 2008 .-
Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum accused the secretary of state of the U.S. state of attempting to obstruct the ongoing efforts for Palestinian unity . The mid-October visit of Condoleezza Rice, will be to foment discord among Palestinians and prevent the formation of a new Palestinian unity government. Washington tries to avoid any agreement among Palestinians, knowing that any agreement will be against the interest of the U.S. and its ally Israel, Barhoum added. It is worth remembering that Egypt invited to a meeting of all Palestinian factions and Fatah and Hamas movements, to search for Palestinian unity.

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Israeli-Palestinian riots in Acre Is

Ha'aretz, AIA, PIP, October 9, 2008 .-
The city of Acre in northern Israel, became the scene of clashes between Palestinians and Israelis. It all started last night (8 / 10), hours after the onset of Yom Kippur or "Day of Atonement, in which all activity stops and traffic stops completely. An Israeli-Palestinian driving his car through a Jewish neighborhood in the city, on his way home he had there when he was attacked and beaten by a group of fanatical young Jews who accused him of making noise in breach of Yom Kippur. To take shape the news hundreds of Palestinians took to the streets and the main shopping street, beat dozens of cars and shops. Acre was a Palestinian village until 1948, where three quarters of its then 13,000 residents fled before the advance of Zionist terrorist militias, leaving the city in the creation of Israel. Closure: On the occasion of Yom Kippur, Israeli occupation forces blocked and sealed off the West Bank and Gaza, leaving about more than 3.5 million Palestinians.

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pressed the Holy See Is

Aurora, El Periodico Ro, PIP, October 8, 2008 .-
Tomorrow (9 / 10) marks the 50th anniversary of the death of Pius XII and the Vatican is already facing problems prevent the holding. Responsible for resurrecting the controversy was the chief rabbi of Haifa, Shear-Yashuv Cohen, who on Monday (6 / 10) invited to the Synod of Bishops in the Vatican, said that Jews "do not can forget his silence to the Holocaust "and rejected the beatification of Pope Pius XII. It was the first time that a rabbi was heading to the Synod." We should not be beatified or taken as a model who did not raise his voice, though, if secretly tried to help us, "Cohen said in the presence of Pope Benedict XVI. The Pope, spent the years of the 2nd World War and ruled the Catholic Church from March 2, 1939 to October 9, 1958. Response to Cohen gave the Vatican secretary of state, Tarcisio Bertone, who yesterday (7 / 10), in an article published in L'Osservatore Romano, quoted a circular of 25 October 1943 in which Pius XII ordered all Catholic institutions save as many Jews as possible. Benedict XVI himself, he lit a defense of his predecessor, with the hope that the anniversary of his death will serve to increase awareness of "historical truth" of Pius XII. Comments PIP: With the Palestinian tragedy, who raised his voice, after 60 years of suffering.

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Palestinians sue Israel

AP, PIP, October 7, 2008 .-
Five Palestinians have filed a lawsuit against the government of Israel and demanded a compensation of hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages for allowing Jewish settlers illegally occupying their land on a hill to build a settlement in the West Bank. The Palestinians claim a compensation of $ 430,000. In the lawsuit, said that Israel "is betraying its legal and moral obligations" and "helping the thieves by its actions and failures" in allowing construction of the settlement of Migron.

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Bush asking him to sue for crimes

EFE, PIP, October 6, 2008 .- President George W.
Bush leaves the White House on Jan. 20. Between those who want to answer for war in Iraq and Afghanistan, torture, ignoring civil rights and leave a deficit of the state explosive account of the former prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi, whose book "The prosecution of George W. Bush for murder "demands nothing less than a trial against him. Bush declared war on the basis of facts and made false and "the greatest crime in American history," according to the theory of the jurist. For years there were attempts to carry forward against impeachment Bush (impeachment). Many Democrats supported the idea, yet I dreaded the possibility that, if successful, the country remain under the command of Vice President Dick Cheney neocon.

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New faction called Hizbullah Brigades in Palestine Is

Aurora, EFE, PIP, October 5, 2008 .-
A new armed faction called the "Hizbullah Brigades in Palestine" announced his foundation aimed at combating Israel, found himself in a statement. The document states that the group has been established "after some factions give up the struggle against Israeli occupation" (an apparent reference to Hamas, which has agreed to a ceasefire since last June), "We are a group of Sunni Jihad, which has nothing to do with politics " and despite the name, denied ties with the Shiite Hezbollah organization in Lebanon. The new faction members are former members of various Palestinian groups, Fatah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and also included left-wing parties.

............................................... ................................ Egypt <*>

organize an international conference in November
Ha'artz, EFE, PIP, October 2, 2008 .-
Egypt organized next November an international conference to be attended by representatives of Israel, the Palestinian Authority and the Middle East Quartet that make up the United States, Russia, the European Union and the UN, according to Israeli newspaper reported Friday Haaretz, adding that the meeting is the result of a compromise between the United States, Israel and the Palestinians. U.S. Secretary Condoleezza Rice in recent months urged the parties to prepare a document ('inventory') to detail progress on key issues: Jerusalem, refugees, borders, security, settlements and water rights. Israel opposed this suggestion Israeli source said, adding that "finally the Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni managed to persuade the chief negotiator of the Palestinian Authority, Ahmed Qureia, to reject the idea. " (?)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Pokemon Soulsilver Rom Desmume

Sabra and Shatila Remembrance of Death of yesterday and today

Sabra and Shatila,
Death Memories of yesterday and today
16 - September 18, 1982

By: Ambassador Suhail Hani Daher Akel (*)

With the invasion of Israel on June 6, 1982, known as "Peace for Galilee", Lebanon became a real boiler, where children, women and elderly people were burned to the passage of the soldiers of Premier Menachem Begin and the Minister Defense Ariel Sharon.

During 88 days, Lebanon and Palestinian refugee camps were plunged into total chaos, tight in death, pain and destruction.

the night of 16 September until 18 September 1982, Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila in Beirut, were surrounded by the army of Ariel Sharon.

through isolation. Lured a small group of Lebanese mercenaries who responded to their base instincts, who did not hesitate to vent their hatred fueled economically.

with axes, knives and mass shootings, killed unarmed Palestinian civilians with impunity, while the Israeli Bulldozer hurriedly ordered to remove debris wrapped corpses of refugees.

More than 5,000 Lebanese civilians and Palestinian martyrs began to turn air Sabra and Shatila in the memories of death.

As premier, Ariel Sharon was indicted in June 2001 before the Belgian courts for 23 Palestinian and Lebanese survivors of being responsible for the slaughter of the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila. The lawsuit was based on the 1993 Belgian law that recognizes universal jurisdiction to the Belgian courts for war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity wherever they were committed and the nationalities and places of residence of victims and defendants.

Sharon, ignored international demand and senior Israeli government immediately termed "scandalous" the decision of justice Belgian and stated that the decision was greeted with anger by Israeli President Moshe Katsav (deposed in 2007 for sexual harassment), who said: "I deny absolutely the moral right to judge Belgian leaders and Israeli army officials ... No have the right to question the moral and human works with the Israeli army. "

With a high degree of intolerance and anti-Semitism anti-Semitic Israeli Palestinian people. In the third millennium, the overwhelming tsunami of Israel against the Palestinian people, stripped the barbarity of the occupation numbers leaving desperate. Since the September 28, 2000 to the present, killed more than 9,500 Palestinian civilians, of which nearly 2,100 are children and over 75 000 Palestinians were wounded. They also killed the martyred President Yasser Arafat and Hamas leaders Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and Abdel Aziz Rantazi in 2004.

demolished nearly 14 thousand homes and buildings, and over a million and half olive and fruit trees were uprooted. Hundreds of hectares of Palestinian land were expropriated for the construction of the Apartheid Wall and the establishment of Israeli settlements in order to undermine the geography of Palestine and Jerusalem.

is absurd that, with international legal resolutions, converted into ink on paper by Israel, the world hold their complacency with the occupying power and its crimes against humanity of yesterday and today.

Injustice and oppression will never prevail. The Sabra and Shatila camps in 1982 as the village Deir Yassin in 1948 and the Al Aksa Intifada in Jerusalem in 2000, will remain the bastion of freedom of the Palestinian people and the free peoples of the world.

September 2008 (*) Former Ambassador of Palestine in Argentina.

© Copyright, Suhail Hani Daher Akel, can publish, translate or distribute without altering the content and citing the source and author.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Funny Opening Line For Wedding Speech

Bishop Attallah Hanna: a Palestinian Christian Hero

met a teacher on the train during a of my trip from Bristol to London, was kind and encouraged me to start a conversation. I can assure you that this does not happen often. We started to talk about different issues to break the silence as well as cold and dull atmosphere that surrounded the two-hour trip.

discovered that was a music teacher and was working on an album compilation of international children's songs from different countries. He asked me about my country, where I came from and what kind of children's songs have. Did not mean to say that maybe my generation is the last to have heard children's songs that the Palestinian children used to be awakened by Israeli bombardments most nights.

We talked about music and traditional Palestinian songs. And without realizing it, I ended up telling her about the most famous Arab singer, the Lebanese Fayrooz and songs that has contributed to Palestine and Palestinian children.

In my phone had some of their songs downloaded on my son, who knows how to keep her mom. I offered my phone to the young woman to listen to the song of Zahrat Al-Madaen. The woman asked me the translation of the song. I told him that this is a song that says ...
'I will pray for you, City of sentences. "

I translated almost every word of the song and when I came to Ia part of Mary and baby Jesus, was impressed. She knew that not all Palestinians are Muslims. I thought it was odd that being a teacher would have lost the connection that Jesus was born in Palestine and there are hundreds of churches in Palestine. I also thought to myself that the sound of the bombings has silenced the bells of the churches.

I figured maybe he was embarrassed by questions such as the eyes of a practicing Muslim, wearing Hijab, they can shine with tears as he recited a song about the churches of Jerusalem.
Some other incidents
confirmed to me that not many people know the suffering of Christians in Palestine caused by the Israeli state. And that is an Israeli policy to keep people thinking that the struggle in Palestine is caused by religion, and that this struggle takes place only between Jews and Muslims, which is absolutely false.

Palestinians in the three faiths lived in peace and harmony long before the Zionist state began his plunder and destruction.

is why people consider filing one of the heroes Palestinian Christians, only one of thousands of Christians suffering, my own fellow brothers in Palestine, and I should mention that the majority of Palestinian Christians were forced to leave Palestine just as the Muslims. Most emigrated to the United States and European countries, others came to Lebanon and other neighboring countries like Jordan.

My Christian hero is Bishop Attallah Hanna. They may even notice that part of his name is Allah in Arabic and Islamic terms means God, his name is composed of two syllables, which means gift Atta and Allah which means God. The name of our Palestinian Bishop extraordinary means Gift of God in Arabic.

Bishop Attallah Hanna was charged with terrorism and was arrested several times in Israeli jails. Also was placed under house arrest for 4 years and the Israeli government withdrew his passport because they wanted him to stop playing the theme from the sale of some property of the Orthodox Church to the Jews!

Attalah Hanna Bishop enjoys great popularity and love among the Palestinians, is at the heart of Muslims and Christians living in Palestinian land or forced into exile. His home is in the humble building of the Orthodox Church in the Old City of Jerusalem.

When asked in an interview published by the Egyptian newspaper Almasry Alyoum introduce himself, he replied: "I am a Palestinian Arab proud member of the Arab nation. And I'm proud of my identity as a Palestinian Orthodox Christian serving this ancient church. There is a close relationship between this church and my sense of national and religious belonging. I would tell people that Christianity was born in Palestine, no matter our faith in the West, that Jesus did not come from the West, which is native to this land, from Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Nazareth. Here Jesus was born. Therefore, Christ is Palestinian. All the Palestinian people, Muslims and Christians alike, are proud that their homeland is Palestine. Our church is 2000 years old. We did not come here with some kind of Western colonialism, this is our homeland since Christ was born and when the Caliph 'Omar ibn Al-Khattab "made the Islamic conquests, was welcomed by the Arab patriarch of Damascus," Sovrios. " That incident marked the meeting of the two poles, Christianity and Islam. The meeting between the caliph and the patriarch is considered a firm and strong bond of brotherhood between the Muslim and Christian Arab children in a country, working together to serve their causes. "

When asked Bishop Attallah on violations against Christian holy places by the Zionist occupation, said: "The excavations were carried out by the occupation under both Islamic and Christian holy sites, and I think that the sentence such acts are not enough to confront such violations. What Israel is doing is well known to everyone and can be summarized briefly by saying that Israel falsely claimed Jerusalem as their religious and political capital, we do not recognize such claims that Jerusalem is the capital of the Jewish state. "

Such claims are reckless and are considered a falsification of facts and an assault on the rights of other religions and an attack on all cultural and spiritual values \u200b\u200bfor Christians and Muslims. I do not mind saying that the holy city of Jerusalem is sacred to Jews, or is sacred to the three monotheistic religions, the problem lies that the Israeli occupation and denied this important fact and claimed that Jews are the only people responsible for the holy city.

"Israel has tried to prove their claims of all possible ways. They find it impossible to eradicate the Islamic and Christian monuments of Jerusalem, stealing the land from Christians and Muslims, continuing attempts to transform the Judaizing the city by different ways, among which are the excavations beneath the city. In addition to the wide and vast spread of illegal settlements in an attempt to expropriate our own city, we are strangers in our own country. "
Bishop if he had a message for the world, said: "I mean that there is a national and international obligation - spiritually and humanly, all Muslim and Christian in the world to Palestine. Some may consider that the Palestinian residents of Jerusalem are the only people responsible for this, and this is wrong. It is true that we are on the front lines, do not give up our historical responsibilities, spiritual and national, are in that line. But all Muslims and Christians should fulfill their responsibilities. No party should take only talking about what is happening. While we are talking about what is happening Israel continues with its project, demolishing houses, occupying land, removing trees and killing innocent people. If Christians and Muslims want Jerusalem to remain the capital of Palestine, must act immediately for the sake of this nation. "

" What bothers me most are the ones who stand on platforms to discuss the Arab character of Jerusalem, to them say, 'interrupted his speeches, we've talked enough, we have surplus of appeals. Jerusalem will not be liberated by speeches. "

was asked Bishop of Jerusalem if they honestly believe there is some hope that the Arabs change their policies and do something to help the Palestinians. He replied, "If I had no hope of that happening, I never would have seen, we live by hope, forged on our convictions and beliefs."

"We emphasize that Jerusalem is an Arab city, read the story. We have endured 60 years of Nakba, 40 years Nakssa (adversity). Our cause is alive and we need wisdom, determination, perseverance and adherence to the principles that are leading to the right of return for Palestinians. "

When asked the Bishop of Jerusalem its opinion on the suggestion of creating two states in Palestine, one for Israelis and one for Palestinians, said, "I never will agree with that point of view, I believe in a state for all citizens, in which Arabs live together, Muslims and Jews. I believe in the right of return for Palestinians. And then, the results of Palestinian elections determine the outcome. Speaking of two states in Palestine is unfair and impossible to implement. "

TAMIMI Iqbal Translated by Yaotl Altan

Source: Palestine Think Tank

Fairuz - Jerusalem Zahrat Almaden

Monday, September 8, 2008

Energy Amplification X-treme

Shimon Peres: murderer, liar and hypocrite

Khalid Amayreh
The Palestinian Information Center

Translated from English by Beatriz Morales Bastos.

Once again we are affronted by another despicable statement by Shimon Peres, the deceitful elderly Israeli president and who has spent a lifetime serving the evil Zionist enterprise.

In a statement made in Rome on Friday, 5 September [2008], Peres called for banning Hamas to participate in any elections held in occupied Palestine until the group terminated all forms of resistance against Israeli occupation similar to the Nazis.

[In his remarks] Peres completely ignored the prolonged reign of murder and terror inflicted for too long the helpless and virtually defenseless Palestinians a state morally cruel he believes the events that took place in Europe six decades ago justify the genocidal ethnic cleansing that is being imposed to the victims of Zionism.
Peres, who would have us believe that Israel is an oasis of justice and freedom in the Middle East, also accused the Palestinian Islamic movement of "intolerance" of indulging in "religious and military terror" which he said is incompatible with democratic values.

Peres, who is credited with the introduction of nuclear weapons in the Middle East through the "French Connection, accused Hamas was impeding peace between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA), United States, suggesting that the "extremism" of Hamas was the main reason behind PA reluctance to sign a formal peace treaty with Israel.

Peres overlooked the fact that Israel has been more than 20 years without Hamas (1967-1987) and 19 years during which Hamas was more or less weak or neutralized (1987-2006), but instead of make peace with the Palestinian leadership, namely the PLO, the Zionist state was busy building Jewish-only settlements and Jewish-only roads on land that belongs to another people.

Moreover, Peres's remarks are beyond chutzpah. At last, after all, he himself is a despicable murderer whose hands are stained with the blood of many innocent people. It is also a pathological liar and unredeemed hypocrite.

The fact that in many capitals have respect you do not really make it any less criminal.

Indeed, for Peres to invoke the ideals of human rights and democracy against the tormented victims of Israel, the Palestinians, is very similar to having the likes of Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin lecturing their victims about sanctity of human life.

In the final analysis, no difference of moral substance between the nefarious treatment by Israel to the Palestinians, as in the case of Gaza, and the Nazi behavior during World War II.

Actually, the main difference lies not in the quality of the evil committed, but its sheer size.

Let us not be duped and deceived by this lying old man in the depths of your heart you know very well that if not for the inherently unjust international system, he and other Israeli leaders would be shipped, like drugged wild animals, the International Tribunal of Justice in The Hague to stand trial for their diabolic acts of murder and terror.

Peres and nearly all other Zionist leaders since Ben Gurion have always been despicable murderers and liars. They still are.

Peres himself is a mass murderer par excellence. In 1996, during his brief stint as prime minister after the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin ordered the Israeli army to bomb the UNIFIL headquarters at the village of Qana, south Lebanon.

And while the resulting pornographic massacre shocked the conscience of the world, Peres and his colleagues were busy deflecting blame and concocting excuses. Interestingly, Peres has never apologized for this horrific crime and that Israel would never have thought of compensating the families of the victims. Apparently, in the Zionist lexicon there is no phrase "mea culpa."

As regards pathological Peres call for barring Hamas from participating in future Palestinian elections, Israeli President should know that without Hamas there can be elections in the occupied territories.

Moreover, what kind of elections would Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza if only for admission to the agents of Israel and the U.S.?
Or perhaps the hero of Qana thinks that Palestinian democracy should not go beyond allowing the masses to choose a ** Judenrat that would torment the Palestinian people on Israel's behalf as the regime is doing in Ramallah.

addition, it is crystal clear that Peres is being scandalously inconsistent as to whether to allow groups "anti-democratic" to participate in elections.

must remember, if you have forgotten, that it happens that several Israeli political factions and parties participating in elections are full-fledged terrorist groups that openly call for the expulsion, enslavement or extermination of non-Jews in Palestine-Israel. So why not prohibit these groups to be submitted to the Israeli elections? What perishes
the manifestly fascist MIFDAl (National Religious Party) which openly calls for deporting all Palestinians to Jordan and other Arab countries? And the National Union, the quasi-Nazi party whose leaders advocate disenfranchising non-Jews and carpet-bombing Palestinian population centers? What about Mikhail Kleiner's party which considers Jordan "the eastern part of Israel"? What about the Israeli Knesset members, like Aryeh Eldad, who openly claim that non-Jews are not full human beings? How about these numerous rabbis from Merkaz Harav (the Talmudic College in Jerusalem) who teach their students that in time of war, children and non-Jewish civilians may be slaughtered en mass?

And what they seem to arch-like Baruch Marzel and his followers? Why Israel, which claims to be the only true democracy in the Middle East, allow these thugs to participate in elections?

Besides, Peres does not realize that his own party, Kadima, is comprised of real terrorists and war criminals, people who in any other country that respects itself would be thrown behind prison bars?
challenge Peres to tell us the name of a prime minister and Israeli foreign minister who is not a war criminal.

Consider, for example, the last three Israeli prime ministers, Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon and Ehud Barak.

The first ordered the Israeli Air Force dropped three million cluster bombs in southern Lebanon. For those who do not know, three million bombs are sufficient to kill and maul three million children. In Gaza, Olmert ordered his army to murder innocent Palestinian civilians by the thousands and left to starve hundreds of thousands of innocent people they had elected a political party that Israel did not like.

And Sharon? Well, we know the dark legacy of this vile war criminal tried.

And Barak, the well-known child murderer with his own hands murdered writers and Palestinian intellectuals in Beirut and who ordered his troops to open fire on unarmed Palestinian protesters. This is the man who had to appeal to the most primitive sadistic instincts of the Israeli public to be popular and get elected.

In fact, Israel itself is a crime against humanity and its leaders are vile war criminals. As such, they are utterly unworthy of speaking of human rights and democratic values.

translator Notes:

* The UNIFIL is a peacekeeping force of United Nations' created by the Security Council in 1979 to confirm Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon, restore peace and security, and help the Lebanese gobieno restore its authority in the area, "

** The Judenrat were Jewish councils. Were responsible for enforcing the rules Nazis in the Jewish communities during World War II.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Female Tattooed Genitalia

The struggle against Jerusalem's quiet ethnic cleansing

A call from a neighbor warning him to run to the house he had almost finished building awoke at dawn to Nader Elayan. When he arrived it was too late: a bulldozer was tearing down the walls. Over a hundred Israeli security guards containing the neighbors.

The demolition, which took out the past four years, leaving Nader Elayan, his wife, Fidaa, now pregnant, and her two young children without a place to live in the already crowded room with his brother. It is the only land he owns and has invested all his savings in building the now demolished house.

In recent years two dozen other families in the Palestinian village of Anata, just outside east Jerusalem, have shared the same fate as Nader Elayan. Hundreds more families have demolition orders hanging over their homes. "It has been granted permission to build a house or a single person in my neighborhood," says Nader Elayan, 37.

The problem of house demolitions affects Palestinians throughout the occupied territories. But according to Hatem Abdelkader, an adviser to Salam Fayyad, the Palestinian prime minister, the situation is particularly acute in the area of \u200b\u200bEast Jerusalem.

said the result of Israel's policy of denying building permits to many of the 250,000 Palestinians of East Jerusalem has been the classification of 20,000 city homes as illegal from the occupation began in 1967. Only last year the Jerusalem municipality issued more than a thousand orders demolition of "illegal dwellings". It is believed that three out of four Palestinian homes in the city are built without permits.

"The illegal building is simply a pretext to destroy the homes and lives of Palestinian families," said Jeff Halper, director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD, for its acronym in English).

"The demolitions are part of a policy to stop the natural expansion of Palestinian communities in and around Jerusalem, freeing the maximum amount of land for use by Israeli settlers," Halper continues. "The demolitions increase the pressure on the Palestinians to move into the West Bank so that in doing so lose their residency rights in the city. "

In an act of rebellion Halper's organization and 40 international volunteers helped the family rebuild their home Elayan in an attempt to draw attention to what the committee called the "quiet ethnic cleansing" of East Jerusalem. The work was carried out during a summer camp for two weeks funded by the English government. Madrid also paid for the stay of the 18 English volunteers.

"For the first time a government supported the reconstruction of a Palestinian house 'illegal' demolished by the Israeli authorities," Halper said.

The issue of house demolitions is back in now today after two separate incidents occurred in July in which two Palestinians, both residents of Jerusalem, circulated around town in a bulldozer razing what their path. They killed three Israelis and left many more. Although the two Palestinians were killed at the scene of a fire, Israeli officials, including Ehud Barak, the defense minister, are calling for the demolition of their homes, leaving their families homeless, to deter others from doing same.

This punitive destruction of homes completed in 2005 by the threat of rejection laws, but not before that 270 homes were destroyed "for security reasons" during the first year of the Intifada.

However, according to Halper, the use of demolitions against Palestinians accused of illegal building is a much more important. "We estimate that at least 18,000 homes have been destroyed during the four decades of occupation." Indeed

Halper believes it is possible that the actual number of houses demolished is double the official figures. Many demolitions are not registered and are the Palestinians themselves for fear of heavy fines are imposed when the Israeli army issued demolition orders.

"Most demolitions are of multi-storey buildings are home to several families, meaning that well over 100,000 Palestinian families may have been made homeless by Israeli administrative policies," he said.

Since it was founded a decade ago, the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions has rebuilt 150 Palestinian homes as part of its campaign to attract the attention of Israeli Jews and the international community about the problem of house demolitions . It's been an uphill battle, says Halper. The European Union has recently improved its relations with Israel, announced this month to withdraw its funding for ICAHD.

But the field work this year may make a little more difficult to continue demolishing house in Anata, Halper says: "One thing is to destroy a house built on a supposedly illegal for a Palestinian and another one built to destroy money provided by the English government. "

Halper also believes that presenting these groups as summer camp volunteers from the Palestinian cause can begin to change public perception.

Alonso Santos, an architecture student from Madrid, 21, said he had learned much to see first hand Palestinian life under occupation.

"It opened my eyes to realize that urban planning principles that we teach at the university were using the Israelis, but exactly the opposite of common purpose. The planning rules here are designed not to improve the lives of the Palestinians but for them more miserable. "

The volunteers were housed on a peace center and located in Anata erected on the site of the house of Salim Shawamreh, which was demolished four times by Israeli authorities. Known as Arabiya House, by the name of the woman Shawamreh, one side of the building is decorated with a mural depicting the death of Rachel Corrie, an American peace activist, by an Israeli bulldozer that had been demolishing homes in Gaza.

"Imagine your children go to school in the morning and return later when they realize their home, their whole world has disappeared while they were gone," said Shawamreh. "That happened to my children four times. It is a cruelty that can not be expressed in words. "

Shawamreh, whose family were refugees in 1948 from northern Negev, said that had he and ICAHD established the peace center to call attention to the difficult living conditions of Palestinians in Anata. Today the house is under the watch of a police station in the valley, which is part of the future growth of a large Jewish settlement, Maale Adumum, that Palestinians and Israeli human rights groups believe it is splitting into two West Bank.

The peace center is also near both the winding route of the Israeli separation wall and a new ring road (part of what is considered an apartheid road system) that is being built to ensure that Jewish settlers can drive separately from Palestinians across the West Bank.

Arabiya House is a temporary reprieve from demolition while Israeli courts determine its status.

Halper says that judges are reluctant to confirm the destruction order because his group has threatened to bring the case before the International Court of Justice if the verdict is against the house.

Jonathan Cook is a journalist and writer who works in Nazareth. His latest books are Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East (Pluto Press) and Disappearing Palestine: Israel's Experiments in Human Despair (Zed Books). His website is

This article was originally published in The National (, published in Abu Dhabi.