Saturday, June 30, 2007

Artiste By Scott Kay Pd950


Using satellites and radars, the issue try to find the fabled treasure supposedly hidden the inaccessible jungle area of \u200b\u200bthe river Madre de Dios River.

The promoter of the initiative, which is preparing for two years, with the most advanced technology, is the Italian journalist and explorer Jacek Palkiewicz Polish origin.

Palkiewicz, which has been described in some twenty books their trip to the farthest corners of the globe, has extensive experience in the area, and in 1996 led an expedition that succeeded in pinpointing the sources of the Amazon River.

"This time the technology will a great help, but it remains indispensable penetrate walk in the jungle, a journey not without its dangers, "said Palkiewicz, optimistic about the chances of reaching the mythical" Paititi "as the natives called the lost city of the Incas .

A first exploration in the Amazon will be held next October, a second three months later and the final issue will be held in the spring of 2002, he said.

It will be a trip of one month with a group of twenty scholars from Italy, Peru, Poland, Brazil and Russia, accompanied by a support team of more than fifty people.

These include the Italian archaeologist Mario Polia, Catholic University of Lima and that for three decades has made a number of excavations in Peru.

The archaeologist has been recently confirmed his certainty of the existence of the mythical city because of "exceptional" unpublished documents located in the Vatican archives.

This exhaustive historical research, along with the testimony of the natives of the region and a thorough study of the terrain through the use of satellites, are the reasons that induce Palkiewicz to consider that they can succeed where many others have failed.

"After centuries of fantasies are finally tangible evidence to unravel the enigma of El Dorado" he said.

Among the biggest challenges that await explorers include the rugged terrain of the region, cut by deep ravines, adverse weather, wildlife and a possible encounter with hostile Indian tribes.

"A journey on foot through the Amazon is a physical and psychological ordeal," said Palkiewicz, an expert in survival techniques.

The expedition, with a budget of over a million dollars, will be financed by to various private sponsors.

The logistics center will be located in Cuzco (Peru) and is provided the use of helicopters to transport equipment and boats to enter a region so far unexplored.

The sponsor of the expedition has said that the discovery of the fabulous treasures that allegedly contains "El Dorado" are not his primary goal, although he admitted that under the legislation of each country a small percentage of its value can be designed to discoverers.

Palkiewicz, who has lived for years in Italy, has stressed the value of "historical, archaeological and tourist" the possible discovery of "Paititi" and said it will travel to Lima with the intention of involving the President Alejandro Toledo on his project.

The challenge to find the mythical place begins with the arrival of English conquistadors in 1532, when born the legend of a city in the jungle where the Incas would have hidden treasures of inestimable value and which have paid Atahualpa king's ransom.

Other expeditions

Because of the hostile environment and difficult terrain, the different expeditions which for centuries has been launched to search have ended in failure.

These include the tragic end of the one led by British Colonel Peter Fawcett in 1925 and the impact it had in 1970 disappearance of a French-American team led by Serge Debru browser, which was probably exterminated by the Indians huachipairi .

More recently, in 1997, the Norwegian anthropologist Lars Hafksjold disappeared without trace in the area known as "green hell" Madidi River.

However, Palkiewicz not shrink from a long list of victims of a "gold rush" which began with the English conquistador Lope de Aguirre, convinced that this time get unlock one of the few mysteries that explorers of the new millennium have inherited from the past.

Meanwhile, the possible site of "El Dorado" expects perhaps silently from their hiding lost in the depths of the jungle.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Pokemon Fire Red Breaker Advance Cheats Mac


The National Institute of Culture of Loreto, chaired by its director Carlos Reyes Ramírez , held a workshop on Cultural Policy Guidelines ", on March 21 in the longhouse of Parish of the Lord of Miracles PP.JJ. Morona Cocha, which was attended by representatives of various public institutions and private organizations involved with cultural activities such as Regional Direction of Tourism and Handicraft Trade, Regional Directorate of Education, representatives from the municipalities of Maynas, San Juan and Punchana; FORMABIAP, Center for Theological Studies in the Amazon Research Institute Amazonia Peruana, Instituto Runa, teachers of universities, Alliance Francaise, the cultural network of Loreto and some cultural associations.

The workshop aimed to review in a participatory manner the policy guidelines and cultural programs. These based on the 10 guidelines included in the document prepared by the INC at the national level for the years 2003-2006.El workshop concluded with presentations by each of the groups made, reviewed, discussed and fed back their contenido.Se concluded on the same idea: the urgency and importance of cultural policy work according to the regional reality to be applied and promoted from the various sectors society. INC
The team undertook to forward to each participant, all agreements and also to convene the next meeting.
Lord of Miracles Parish, Morona Cocha, Iquitos, Peru, March 2007

Friday, June 22, 2007

What Happens When Water Heater Bursts


New attitudes for new desafíosLos times of rapid change and open economies and cultures to live, do not allow the generation of a thought to be at the same pace. The need for dialogue and cooperation between countries and regions that new times demand, threatens in monologue and the imposition of certain parties, but to place ourselves outside of this dynamic would commit hara-kiri us soon.

Within this maelstrom is imperative to recognize the characteristics of each cultural area, at all levels, from the internal complexity of each region, through the complex diversity of regions the country, to the greater complexity of achieving recognition of Peru in the international arena. The north of this process is the search for a balanced development of all these levels, in the context of consolidating a democratic society characterized by dialogue and cooperation, and where, unlike Western classical model, the distribution of products development has been done with equity and justice.

García Canclini said that new times require new ways of understanding these processes, to assume new attitudes in a new context and challenges facing also new. Static conceptions, ahistorical and essentialist of culture, which promote identity visions closed today are harmful.
The affirmation of the Loreto region can not be done behind closed doors and into the future looking from external development. Should be inserted, but strategically negotiating the preservation of our culture and resources. Evaluate our present and future possibilities of culture in the region, while considering its inequalities, its uneven development, their different visions, Let this project viable.

How do we understand the culture?
"In its broadest sense, culture may now be the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society or social group. It includes not only the arts and literature, lifestyles, fundamental rights of human beings, value systems, traditions and beliefs. " A diagnosis for the region should consider these cultural areas without losing sight of the country and plan directed to the development of culture, necessarily different to other regions because it would include its vast biodiversity and ecosystems, which are their main asset.

Products Peru's cultural
The country has an ancient, complex and diverse cultural wealth, including the main archaeological heritage of South America and keeps alive, languages, worldviews and ancestral traditions that sustain the identity of their villages and are an essential part of its diversity. Huántar Chavin, Nazca, Chan Chan, Machu Picchu are World Heritage National Park Abiseo, Huascaran National Park and Manu National Park, the historic centers of Cusco, Lima and Arequipa, Cuzco School painting and demonstrations art, architecture, literature, craft and intellectuals called baroque, neoclassicism and the Enlightenment.
The region has one of the world's greatest biodiversity, radiating lifestyles and much cultural production in the region, living languages, worldview towards nature, traditional knowledge, historically neglected in the fields medicine, forestry and agricultural techniques, the food, clothing, crafts, dance, especially as represented, the arts (film, theater, painting, music, sculpture, printmaking), letters, scientific knowledge in biological sciences, humanities, produced by various centers and institutes de investigación y las universidades, pero necesitamos potenciarlas mas y promoverlas al país y al mundo.
Cabe señalar que esta producción importante de expresiones culturales significativas en los campos de la creación artística y la reflexión intelectual se han hecho y sigue haciéndose a pesar de la indiferencia de los niveles de decisión y la escasez de recursos, lo que no es nuevo, recordemos que el Perú se hizo Estado independiente sin respetar su pluralidad cultural, ni facilitar el ejercicio de la ciudadanía, discriminando amplias capas sociales y exaltando lo occidental. Todo esto no ha permitido niveles satisfactorios de crecimiento económico, equidad, estabilidad institucional ni la expresión cabal de la riqueza de su bagaje cultural. Gran parte de la producción y promoción cultural en las últimas décadas, han sido producto del compromiso de algunas personas y de entidades públicas y privadas entre las cuales se encuentra la universidad.

El rol de la universidad

La universidad tiene tres misiones fundamentales:

1) La de formación profesional.

2) La generación de conocimientos.

3) La de proyección o acción social.

Es necesario insertar en esas tres misiones la apuesta por una política cultural de la región. En vocational training, strengthening the humanistic education in the arts and letters, in all professions as we have been doing, research contributing to the diagnosis and all the ongoing planning process of culture and social action, working priority populations and civil society.
The diagnosis must collect the valuable experiences of institutions and individuals who are working individually but are not articulated a comprehensive proposal for the region. From diagnosis priorities, building a concerted cultural policy model with the presence of civil society and participation active citizenship on them, to consider the areas of culture, education, science and technology with the current needs of growth, democracy and the construction of identities always open looking for a place in the world.

Strategic questions from university:

(click on image to enter)

Notes for a cultural diagnosis in Loreto

can develop the following areas in charge of institutions arranged around a Regional Cultural Plan Loreto:

a) cultural and educational relations: Assessing agreements on collaboration of schools and institutions of technology and higher education for the conservation and heritage restoration, museums, libraries, training, equipment, etc.

b) cultural heritage: Assess the need for signing specific agreements with Amazon countries to protect and restore cultural heritage, natural and intangible Loreto.Propiciar developing an inventory of cultural heritage works Loreto that are on display or in deposits museums and national and international collections.

c) Promotion of Science: Designing scientific and technological policy of Loreto and disseminate it in forums and national and international organizations related to science, technology and scientific innovación.Elaborar loretanos records of residents in other regions and abroad to facilitate their connection to our region and channeling the contributions they could make to regional development, does the same with scientists from other countries interested in Loreto.

d) cultural promotion: assess the various expressions of culture Loretana en la propia región, en el país y en el exterior.

• En artes:

o Evaluar la capacidad de exposiciones intermedias para planificar anualmente su programación: (fotografía, pinturas de pequeño y mediano formato, acuarelas, caricaturas, cerámica, arte popular, diseños de moda, artesanía etc.). Organizarlas por autores, temas, épocas, estilos o series (ciudades, paisajes, regiones, flora, fauna, etc.).

o Evaluar la capacidad para exposiciones locales: muestras de artes visuales, aplicadas o documentales en festivales o galerías de arte nacionales.

o Evaluar la capacidad para la producción de películas short and long term and videos, films and documentaries as well as local broadcast and academic festivals or events, local channels, national and international. Register

or making videos and movies on domestic and foreign issues facing the region and / or scenarios of our country and assess the identity of the Loreto community with these productions. Within

or considered applied arts fashion. o Make an inventory of artists in painting, sculpture, video production, fashion designers, etc.. in the region)

• In authorship:

or evaluate the presence of authors and books of the region in regional public events, national and international. Measuring the frequency of production and presence in:

a) meetings, literary festivals, book fairs to "stands."

b) Cycles of Loreto and Peruvian writers;

c) Presentation of books and authors, living or pass

d) Exhibits loretanos authors citations.

or assess the level of updating the bibliography Loreto in major libraries in the country and abroad. National Library and the Library of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Include audiovisual productions. Make

or feasibility study of a virtual library of selected works of regional culture.

• In music and performing arts Gathering

or musical production staged dances.

or evaluate the frequency of submissions for artists and / or national groups on radio and television stations, regional festivals, national and international touring artists and regional groups in different musical genres (folk, native, tropical, rock, fusion , orchestra) and drama.

or make a record of records, videos and recordings of artists Loreto.

o Make an inventory of music and theater artists of the región.o evaluate the record of musical instruments tradicionalesde the region.

or measure the presence of centers of different musical genres.

• In gastronomy

or evaluate the frequency and quality of festivals, tastings and culinary competitions by chefs or restaurants and evaluate the company's support.

or evaluate the innovation potential of international quality food products from the region as camu camu sour,

or evaluate the presence of specialized publications in our food, books and regional cookbooks; radio and TV programs and research works related to the topic.

• In cultural centers:

or assess the dynamism and quality of cultural centers in the region.

or evaluate the training capacity in partnership between universities, educational institutions, national institute of culture and enterprise developers to build cultural, tourist, cultural marketing, contemporary arts (fashion, city beautification, experiential tourism, youth culture .)

e) In everyday culture: Promote research into lifestyles in Loreto, idiosyncrasy urban population and ruralRecomendaciones from the university to regional cultural policy articulated in the national culture area:

• Promote figures and outstanding works of Loreto national culture.

• Protect and promote cultural heritage and biodiversity of Loreto.

• Increase the presence of Loreto in academic circles in the country and abroad.

• Encourage the development of cultural industries in the region.

• promote the strengthening of cultural values \u200b\u200bof Amazonian communities.

• Promote the development of cultural offerings in the urban population.


• Strengthening relationships with the Amazonian countries that share historical and cultural links with us.

• To sensitize the international community and national levels of poverty and discrimination in our region.

• Relieve the presence of Loreto in the National Community.

• Contribute to the process of decentralization of government, promoting regional culture.

In economic and trade:

• Promote recognition and appreciation of local products for export.

• Promote tourism in Loreto, as well as investment in tourism infrastructure. • Give priority to the promotion of programs and projects related to poverty reduction and development of small and medium enterprises.

• Promote the production and dissemination of cultural industries (films, crafts, books, music, etc). • Promote development projects of indigenous communities to use their cultural heritage as a comparative advantage in the global market and (ethno, ethno-pharmacology, traditional arts, etc.)

• Promote, within the framework of cultural activities, meetings and contacts to facilitate trade.

• Promote the training of artists and artisans.

Regarding Loretana communities abroad:

• Reinforce feelings of identity and belonging to Loreto and Peru.

• Incorporate Loreto countrymen living outside the country and abroad, in the promotion and protection of the cultural values \u200b\u200bof Loreto.

should be considered a culture of order, respect for commitments, accountability, worship, work in the rural countryside as the higher profile collection of nature must be added the transformer with a vision of profitability and sustainability of forests, and for urban, home to many migrants from the countryside is incorporated elements of mindset. Promote holidays to recover the roots of ancient rites and customs that guide their recreation not prove to be a variant that will gradually disrupting and every time it has nothing to do with its origins. With the increasing availability of the organizations responsible for diversifying the use of free time especially for young people, that is not confined to parties where alcohol, loud music and dancing are the only alternative erotic weekend but also local tourism, cinema theater. Thus, it would not only preserve the historical, natural, material and immaterial, but the lives of human resource reserves, citizens who will be protagonists of the weighting of Loreto culture deserves.

Article from: Guadalupe Eto, of the Universidad Particular de Iquitos (UPI)
Published by the Institute of Development RUNE and Gender Studies "

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Male Trench Coat Pattern


This is the picture chronology of the Peruvian Amazon, made by archaeologist Professor Mr. Daniel Morales Chocano (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos)

Port Royale 2 Patch For Vista


explorations and excavations carried out by archaeologist Professor Mr. Daniel Morales Chocano have widened much more knowledge about the importance of this area, the difficulties that the environment provides and contrariety extremely humid climate in which Morales had to go and be avoiding taking strategies, methods of research in an area where mostly been destroyed and where organic remains were only pots and sometimes heavily eroded by water seepage and where there are no burials fabulous and if there were disappeared by the same weather phenomenon.

La sacrificable investigación fue compensada y a la vez enriquecida mediante las observaciones hecha en los grupos de nativos existentes en esta parte del suelo patrio, los cuales aún conservan costumbres milenarias. Desde el inicio de las exploraciones realizadas en la área de la amazonía o selva baja por los años 1984; posteriormente estudios y excavaciones en los siete tributarios del río Chambira, Tigre, han permitido sustentar con amplio criterio.

Aunque en su mayoría no exista arquitectura monumental como lo hay en la amazonía-andina o (selva alta) el autor sostiene : "no siempre la cultura material refleja en las grandes evidencias, ie: how little is in the lowland Amazon and reflects the cultural level. "Investigations on the trail of cultural development in the Amazon is not over. The process explanatory Daniel Morales Chocano, based on" Historical Compendium of Peru "1993, states once again that the Peruvian Amazon has geographical particularities of the presence of the Eastern Cordillera of the Andes, whose altitude is the Amazon barrier, constituting an area we call" Western Amazon "strip that runs parallel to Andes, nor is it a geographical and climatically homogeneous, with occasional variations from north to south: In the north, the ridge is low, no or snowy highlands, allowing the progress of the Amazon flora and fauna to the valleys, a phenomenon we have called the "amazonización the extreme north of Peru to form a new ecological zone called jalca, ranging between 2.000 and 3.600 meters of height, in this geographical formation. They are so important archaeological sites as Pacopampa, Kuelap and Pajaten.

Below 2.000 meters found another very particular geological formation, typical of the area, to which natives called tempering, which is a kind of dry sheet with two distinct seasons, dry and wet, in this environment archaeological sites are as important as Faical, Michinal, Cerezal, Bagua, and Pandanche Huayurco.

In the central area of \u200b\u200bthe Western Amazon, the geographical and climatic situation is different: the range is very high, does not allow the progress of the Amazon, nor the formation of ecological zone called jalca; the eastern Andean presented in the Huanuco area yunga kind of arid, with many springs that flow into the Huallaga River, in this area, which is between 2.000 to 1.000 meters in height are important archaeological sites Kotosh Otorongo, Wairajirka, Shaillacoto and many sites such as Cave of the Owls Aspunzana and others still unknown in the province of Leoncio Prado, Huanuco.

The South does not vary much from the previous area, but differs by the non-existence of yunga arid river or, in this region fall sharply dilated ends the high forest, with no differentiation from other intermediate floors .

In these forest areas, rather serranizadas by the indiscriminate felling is so important Inca sites like Machu Picchu and the Inca lost city of Vilcabamba or espiritud called Pampa and others. Undoubtedly, this band is described for us a very different cultural area to the Andean and Amazon, which brought very own cultural processes, which gives it a cultural identity that can not be confused nor as a conquest Andean area, or as completely linked to the lowland, for these reasons we call it, Amazon Andean culture area.

Baja La Selva of the Peruvian Amazon is more homogeneous and falls within the description of the Amazon basin or Omaguas area, with both ecological character of "mainland" or "mountain" and the area " varcea "or" flood zones "whose cultural process has been best studied by Donan Lathrap (1970) and Betty Meggers (1975), those who are classified as tropical forest cultures.

Based on the cultural manifestations of an archaeological nature and geography of the Peruvian Amazon is remarkable the presence of two cultural areas of the Andean-Amazonian cotradición but both self-developing characteristics, and each with its own history and tradition that makes them different to the other, these two cultural areas are "the Andean Amazon region" and "Amazon area" itself.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Crossing Arrows Porcelain

archaeological and historical evocation has been forever and universally tampering. Ideologues and political essayists of the most diverse 'fronts' are devoted to this task yet.

This is not to denigrate nor worship the ideological orientation of parties in particular, much less to deny its historical presence, what you want is to highlight the will of its theoretical frame to distort historical archaeological elevate propaganda purposes and to impose the political ideology of their choice.

historical material distortions are particularly apparent when political scientists make-up of past research release 'tests' historical sites.

political scientist who manipulates the past and propagate adulterated, act according to what he describes as 'engagement', which is nothing else than the total subordination to any particular ideological guideline. For this reason, and to some extent even when using methods and techniques of past research, and even display label historian or an archaeologist, he will prevail in its 'commitment' favor.

The proselytizing efforts of the professional distorting the past is not only directed to the majority. Young professionals and even students, receive special 'treatment' propaganda, in order to gain their 'commitment' and turn in new generations of historic fabric subtly manipulated. A fallacy, introduced between elements' easy to recruit "and accepted as' compelling ', it is absolutely impossible in any degree approaching the past free of prejudice.

The "social activist", when assuming a historian or an archaeologist, he distorts the past to make a lever to impose their dogmas or 'engagement' party politics corrupts the historical and archaeological field from the point of view of professional research .

The historical record usually appears full of tampering aimed at shoring 'worthy causes'. For example, in previous centuries, during Peruvian colonial stage, we find 'historians' entrenched in support of the thesis of the legitimacy of the English conquest of the Inca Empire, especially among the cadres of writers 'Toledo'.

Another example is the story of Manco Capac, who portrays him as a nearly omnipotent being, with divine substance, nothing less than the son of the Sun and sent for him and of his race, alone, govern the Andes. At the time this version was not a 'myth' but a 'true', propagated "as an article of faith" among the people according to ancient writers refer.

valuation judgments aside, the story of Vichama not going to be, in substance, rather than a accommodated to alleged hoax propaganda historic fabric. According to this 'tradition' pre-Inca, the sun settled over the world dropping three eggs, one gold, one silver and copper last. Of gold came the nobles, the women of their silver, and copper, "the common people or the forced laborers and their wives." Drawing on this dogma, presented as 'historic', explained the status of the individual and justified wield the 'nobility' privileges, all conditioned from birth itself and by divine ...

For the foregoing, the researchers believe that the past should challenge the presence of any 'compromise' conscious: root out the religious, nationalist, or from the desire for a valuable "active instrument of social control", to use the terminology often used by political scientists of this in Mexico and Peru.

A trigger tried to avoid prejudices and ideological supporters in the investigation of the past, does not, however, to undertake research so simplistic: only describing objects or arranging them chronologically and stratigraphically. Scholars of the past and warned of the importance of approaching an "inside story", "institutional history" and the acquisition of "historical phenomena." This long-standing concern renamed reappears today to nurture a new twist, with the name of "cultural process."
Published in the newspaper "El Comercio", March 24, 1987 - Peru